Our people

Our people
If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children.
Our people
Who We Are
Meet the members of the Early Childhood Peace Consortium (ECPC) Executive Board and Advisory Group that comprise the ECPC Steering Committee, which is supported by expert consultants and the ECDpeace.org global communications team.
The ECPC Executive Board’s primary responsibility is to ensure that the objectives of the wider ECPC are effectively articulated and achieved, and remain in alignment with the ECPC vision statement and strategy, to promote social justice and reduce violence. It is comprised of high profile and/or senior level persons, who are either directly connected with one of the founding institutions of the ECPC, and/or have high level of influence within ECPC related networks, and/or are world renowned persons in the field of Early Childhood and/or Peace, and/or have served as international leader, and/or are recognized for having undertaken high-level related or similar functions.
Staff Alumni
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