Vision, mission & goals

Vision, mission & goals
Vision, mission & goals
Our people
The ECPC is a global consortium of United Nations agencies, Non-Governmental Organizations, academia, practitioners, and the private sector focused on sharing scientific and practice-based evidence on how investment in early childhood development (ECD) can contribute to sustainable peace, social cohesion, and social justice. We recognize that investing in ECD is a powerful and cost-effective strategy for reducing violence, poverty, and exclusion and for building peaceful societies.
Our vision
The Early Childhood Peace Consortium (ECPC) is founded on the idea that the global community must address root causes of violence and conflict, and that children and families can be agents of change for peace.
Our mission
The Consortium’s mission is to create an inclusive movement for peace, social cohesion, social justice, and the prevention of violence through using early childhood development strategies to enable the world community to advance peace, security and development.
Our objectives
- To link emerging knowledge from bio-behavioral and environmental sciences with existing evidence to increase investment, advocate for, create local and sustainable programs for peacebuilding / violence reduction through early childhood development (ECD)
- To contribute to the debate on peacebuilding by focusing on early childhood development and engaging families, communities, civil society, governments and philanthropists through science and practice
- To advocate and disseminate information for academics, policy makers, educators, parents, and caregivers to build a global movement that values young children and families as agents of change for peace
- To join with U.N. Member States to advocate for the drafting of a United Nations resolution on Early Childhood Development (ECD) and Peacebuilding that complements other peacebuilding resolutions
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