Knowledge Base
This knowledge platform for scholarly publishing is provided by the ECPC. Research and scholarly output included here has been selected and deposited based on its relevance to early childhood development, social cohesion, violence prevention and peace promotion, and more. Additional literature will be added as it becomes available.
The Rights of Children for Optimal Development and Nurturing Care. Pediatrics. 2019;144(6):e20190487.
UN General Assembly report of the Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty United Nations, A /74/136. United Nations General Assembly 74th Session; 2019.
Missing out: Refugee education in crisis. UNHCR; 2016.
Desperate journeys.; 2017.
Refugee education 2030: A strategy for refugee inclusion. Copenhagen, Denmark: UNHCR; 2019.
Guide to: Conflict Analysis.; 2016.
A Study of Education and Resilience in Kenya’s Arid and Semi-Arid Lands. UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO); 2015.
A Study of Education and Resilience in Kenya’s Arid and Semi-Arid Lands. UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office (ESARO); 2015.
Cooler Earth - Higher Benefits Actions by those who care about children, climate and finance.. World Council of Churches; 2020.
Implementation of the PATHS Curriculum in an Urban Elementary School. Early Education & Development. 2004;15(4):471-486.
Primary prevention in mental health for Head Start classrooms: Partial replication with teachers as intervenors. Behavioral Disorders. 2003;28(2).
Connectome: How the Brain's Wiring Makes Us who We are. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; 2012.
Children‘s Mediational Teaching Style as a Function of Intervention for Cross-Age Peer-Mediation. School Psychology International. 2004;25(1):59-78.
Best Practices for Parent Education: Programs Seeking to Prevent Child Abuse. Raleigh, North Caroline: North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service; 2003.
Population-based provider engagement in delivery of evidence-based parenting interventions: challenges and solutions. J Prim Prev. 2010;31(4):223-34.
Coping and mental health outcomes among Sierra Leonean war-affected youth: Results from a longitudinal study. Dev Psychopathol. 2017;29:11-23.
Randomized trial of a family-centered approach to the prevention of early conduct problems: 2-year effects of the family check-up in early childhood. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2006;74(1):1-9.
Groups in harmony and tension: an integration of studies on intergroup relations. Octagon Books; 1966.
Building a new biodevelopmental framework to guide the future of early childhood policy. Child Dev. 2010;81(1):357-67.
Expanding the evidence base to drive more productive early childhood investment. The Lancet. Submitted;389:14-16.
The lifelong effects of early childhood adversity and toxic stress. Pediatrics. 2012;129:e232-46.
An integrated scientific framework for child survival and early childhood development. Pediatrics. 2012;129:e460-72.
Sexual Offenses Among Children in the North of Jordan: An Exploratory Study. J Child Sex Abus. 2015;24(5):538-54.
Parenting education and support policies and their consequences in selected OECD countries. Child Youth Serv Rev. 2009;31:526-532.
Mediation as a method of parent intervention in children's disputes. J Fam Psychol. 2004;18(1):147-59.
Differential effects of a nurse home-visiting intervention on physically aggressive behavior in children. J Pediatr Nurs. 2010;25(1):35-45.
Understanding human aggression: New insights from neuroscience. Int J Law Psychiatry. 2009;32(4):209-15.
Prevention of child maltreatment in high-risk rural families: A randomized clinical trial with child welfare outcomes. Children and Youth Services Review. 2011;33(8):1435-1444.
Education and Social Cohesion Country Report: South Africa. Centre for International Teacher Education (CITE)Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT)UNICEFAmsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR), University of AmsterdamCentre for International Education, University of Suss; 2016.
Plasma oxytocin concentration during pregnancy is associated with development of postpartum depression. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2011;36(9):1886-93.
Minding the baby a reflective parenting program. Psychoanal Study Child. 2005;60:74-100.
The PEACE Pack: an evaluation of interventions to reduce bullying in four Australian primary schools. Educational Research. 2007;49(2):103-114.
Racial Disparities in Child Adversity in the U.S.: Interactions With Family Immigration History and Income. Am J Prev Med. 2016;50:47-56.
The Integration of Education and Peacebuilding: Synthesis Report on Findings from Myanmar, Pakistan, South Africa and Uganda. UNICEFAmsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR), University of AmsterdamCentre for International Education, University of SussexUNESCO Centre at Ulster University; 2015.
The Integration of Education and Peacebuilding: A Review of the Literature. UNICEFAmsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR), University of AmsterdamCentre for International Education, University of SussexUNESCO Centre at Ulster University; 2015.
Gender, Education, and Peacebuilding: A review of selected Learning for Peace case studies. Drysdale L, editor. Learning for Peace; 2016.
School Bullying: Insights and Perspectives. Routledge; 1994.
A paternal environmental legacy: evidence for epigenetic inheritance through the male germ line. Bioessays. 2014;36(4):359-71.
Resilience definitions, theory, and challenges: interdisciplinary perspectives. Eur J Psychotraumatol. 2014;5.
Violence prevention must start in early childhood. New York, NY: UN Office of the Special Representative to the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children; 2018.
Celebrating childhood: A journey to end violence against children. United Nations; 2016.
Report of the Special Representative of the Secretary - General on violence against children. New York City: United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children; 2019.
Keeping the promise: Ending violence against children by 2030. New York City: Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children; 2019.
Children as agents of positive change. A mapping of children’s initiatives across regions, towards an inclusive and healthy world free from violence. New York City: UN Special Representative to the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children; 2021.
Early Childhood Programs in Two Divided Societies: Northern Ireland and Israel. Early Childhood Matters. 2007;108.
The Ethical and Public Health Implications of Family Separation. The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics. 2019;47(2_suppl):91-94.
How do events and relationships in childhood set the stage for peace at personal and social levels? In: Leckman JF, Panter-Brick C, Salah R, editors. Pathways to peace: The transformative power of children and families. Vol 15. The MIT Press; 2014. 1. p. 185-210p.
Fathers’ experiences with their preterm babies admitted to neonatal intensive care unit: A multi-method study. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2018;74(5):1090-1098.
Risk and resilience: early manipulation of macaque social experience and persistent behavioral and neurophysiological outcomes. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2009;48:114-27.
Shaken baby syndrome and a triple-dose strategy for its prevention. J Trauma. 2011;71(6):1801-7.
A randomized pilot trial of two parenting interventions for fathers in residential substance use disorder treatment. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 2019;104:116-127.
Adult attachment predicts maternal brain and oxytocin response to infant cues. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2009;34(13):2655-66.
Typologies of family functioning and children's adjustment during the early school years. Child Dev. 2010;81(4):1320-35.
Undocumented status: implications for child development, policy, and ethical research. New Dir Child Adolesc Dev. 2013;2013:61-78.
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