Title | Population-based provider engagement in delivery of evidence-based parenting interventions: challenges and solutions. |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Authors | Shapiro, Cheri J., Ronald J. Prinz, and Matthew R. Sanders |
PubMed ID | 20195773 (link is external) |
Population-based provider engagement in delivery of evidence-based parenting interventions: challenges and solutions.
Population-wide interventions do not often address parenting, and relatively little is known about large scale dissemination of evidence-based parenting interventions. Most parenting interventions are not designed to reach the majority of parents in a geographic area or to influence prevalence rates for a problem, nor do they take full advantage of the existing workforce. Implementation of parenting interventions on this scale is a complex process; examination of such efforts can inform both research and policy. The US Triple P System Population Trial, designed to reduce child maltreatment at a population level, affords a unique opportunity to examine the steps involved in launching positive parenting support at a population level via an existing provider workforce. The implementation process is described; challenges and solutions are discussed.
Title | Population-based provider engagement in delivery of evidence-based parenting interventions: challenges and solutions. |
Publication Title | J Prim Prev |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Published Year | 2010 |
Authors | C.J. Shapiro; R.J. Prinz; M.R. Sanders |
ISSN Number | 1573-6547 |
Grant List | - |
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