School teacher teachers her students with the help of a laptop at the rural school (West Bengal, India).

Knowledge Base

This knowledge platform for scholarly publishing is provided by the ECPC. Research and scholarly output included here has been selected and deposited based on its relevance to early childhood development, social cohesion, violence prevention and peace promotion, and more. Additional literature will be added as it becomes available.

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O'Donnell K., Chen L., MacIsaac J., McEwen L., Nguyen T., Beckmann K., et al. DNA methylome variation in a perinatal nurse-visitation program that reduces child maltreatment: a 27-year follow-up. Translational psychiatry. 2018;8:15.
Obikane E., Shinozaki T., Takagi D., Kawakami N. Impact of childhood abuse on suicide-related behavior: Analysis using marginal structural models. Journal of affective disorders. 2018;234:224-230.
Olds D., Sadler L., Kitzman H. Programs for parents of infants and toddlers: recent evidence from randomized trials. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2007;48(3-4):355-91.
Olds D., Robinson J., O'Brien R., Luckey D., Pettitt L., Henderson C., et al. Home visiting by paraprofessionals and by nurses: a randomized, controlled trial. Pediatrics. 2002;110(3):486-96.
Olds D., Robinson J., Pettitt L., Luckey D., Holmberg J., Ng R., et al. Effects of home visits by paraprofessionals and by nurses: age 4 follow-up results of a randomized trial. Pediatrics. 2004;114(6):1560-8.
Olds D., Henderson C., Kitzman H., Eckenrode J., Cole R., Tatelbaum R. Prenatal and infancy home visitation by nurses: recent findings. Future Child. 1999;9(1):44-65, 190-1.
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Deaton A., Bird A. CpG islands and the regulation of transcription. Genes Dev. 2011;25:1010-22.
Decety J., Jackson P. The functional architecture of human empathy. Behav Cogn Neurosci Rev. 2004;3:71-100.
Del Giudice M. Sex, attachment, and the development of reproductive strategies. Behav Brain Sci. 2009;32:1-21; discussion 21-67.
Del Giudice M., Ellis B., Shirtcliff E. The Adaptive Calibration Model of stress responsivity. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2011;35:1562-92.
Denkinger J., Windthorst P., C. Sount R-, Blume M., Sedik H., Kizilhan J., et al. Secondary Traumatization in Caregivers Working With Women and Children Who Suffered Extreme Violence by the "Islamic State". Front Psychiatry. 2018;9:234.
Deutsch M. Cooperation and Competition. In: Deutsch M., Coleman P.T., Marcus E.C., Alessio A.C, editors. The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice. Wiley; 2011. 2. p. 23-42p.
Deutsch M. Justice and Conflict. In: Deutsch M., Coleman P.T., Marcus E.C., Alessio A.C, editors. The Handbook of Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice. Wiley; 2011. 4. p. 43-68p.
Deutscher B., Fewell R., Gross M. Enhancing the Interactions of Teenage Mothers and Their At-Risk Children: Effectiveness of a Maternal-Focused Intervention. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education. 2006;26(4):194-205.
Dewey K., Begum K. Long-term consequences of stunting in early life. Matern Child Nutr. 2011;7 Suppl 3:5-18.
DİKEN I., CAVKAYTAR A., BATU E., BOZKURT F., KURTILMAZ Y. Effectiveness of the Turkish Version of "First Step to Success Program" in Preventing Antisocial Behaviors. Education & Science / Egitim ve Bilim. 2011;36(161).
Dodge K., Bates J., Pettit G. Mechanisms in the cycle of violence. Science. 1990;250:1678-83.
Domes G, Heinrichs M, Michel A, Berger C, Herpertz SC. Oxytocin improves "mind-reading" in humans. Biol Psychiatry. 2007;61(6):731-3.
Domschke K. Patho-genetics of posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychiatria Danubina. 2012;24:267-73.
Donaldson C., Affolter F., Salah R., Britto P., Leckman J., Connolly P., et al. ECPC background paper "Contributions of Early Childhood Development programming to sustainable peace and development". New York City: Early Childhood Peace Consortium (ECPC); 2018.
Donaldson C. Contributions of Early Childhood Development services to preventing violent conflict and sustaining peace [Eng, Ara, Fre, Spa, Tur]. Ponguta LAngelica, Affolter F, Britto PRebello, editors. Early Childhood Peace Consortium (ECPC); 2017.
Donaldson C., Affolter F., Salah R., Britto P., Leckman J., Connolly P., et al. Contributions of Early Childhood Development Programming to Sustainable Peace and Development. New York City: Early Childhood Peace Consortium (ECPC); 2018.
Doris J., Group T. The Moral Psychology Handbook. OUP Oxford; 2010.
Dovidio J., Gaertner S., Saguy T. Commonality and the complexity of "we": social attitudes and social change. Personality and social psychology review : an official journal of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Inc. 2009;13:3-20.
Doyle O., Harmon C., Heckman J., Tremblay R. Investing in early human development: timing and economic efficiency. Econ Hum BiolEcon Hum Biol. 2009;7:1-6.
Doyle O., Harmon C., Heckman J., Tremblay R. Investing in early human development: timing and economic efficiency. Economics and human biology. 2009;7:1-6.
Dozier M., Stovall K., Albus K., Bates B. Attachment for infants in foster care: the role of caregiver state of mind. Child Dev. 2001;72:1467-77.
Dua T., Tomlinson M., Tablante E., Britto P., Yousfzai A., Daelmans B., et al. Global research priorities to accelerate early child development in the sustainable development era. Lancet Glob Health. 2016;4:e887-e889.
Dube S., Anda R., Felitti V., Croft J., Edwards V., Giles W. Growing up with parental alcohol abuse: exposure to childhood abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction. Child Abuse Negl. 2001;25:1627-40.
Dubow E., Aber J., Betancourt T., Cummings E., Huesmann L. Conducting longitudinal, process-oriented research with conflict-affected youth: Solving the inevitable challenges. Dev Psychopathol. 2017;29:85-92.
Dubow E., Boxer P., Huesmann L., Landau S., Dvir S., Shikaki K., et al. Cumulative effects of exposure to violence on posttraumatic stress in Palestinian and Israeli youth. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol. 2012;41:837-44.
Dugan EM, Snow MS, Crowe SR. Working with Children Affected by Hurricane Katrina: Two Case Studies in Play Therapy. Child and Adolescent Mental Health. 2010;15:52-55.


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