School teacher teachers her students with the help of a laptop at the rural school (West Bengal, India).

Knowledge Base

This knowledge platform for scholarly publishing is provided by the ECPC. Research and scholarly output included here has been selected and deposited based on its relevance to early childhood development, social cohesion, violence prevention and peace promotion, and more. Additional literature will be added as it becomes available.

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Aber L., Biersteker L., Dawes A., Rawlings L. Social Protection and Welfare Systems: Implications for Early Childhood Development. In: al P.RBritto, editor. Handbook of Early Childhood Development Research and Its Impact on Global Policy. New York: Oxford Univ. Press; 2013. 2. p. 260-274p.
Aboud F., Yousafzai A. Very Early Childhood Development. In: Black R.E, Laxminarayan R., Temmerman M., Walker N., editors. Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health: Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition (Volume 2). Washington (DC); 2016.
Abramowitz S., Marten M., Panter-Brick C. Medical humanitarianism: anthropologists speak out on policy and practice. Med Anthropol Q. 2015;29(1):1-23.
Abramowitz S., Panter-Brick C. Medical Humanitarianism: Ethnographies of Practice. Penn University Press; 2015.
Abu-Akel A., Armour E., Baron-Cohen S., Charnalia N., Leckman J., D. R., et al. Empathy an invaluable natural resource for peace. Rome, Italy: Foundation Child; 2019.
Evaluating Interreligious Peacebuilding and Dialogue. Abu-Nimer M, Nelson RKatalin, editors. De Gruyter; 2021.
Abu-Nimer M., Nasser I. Forgiveness in The Arab and Islamic Contexts. Journal of Religious Ethics. 2013;41(3):474-494.
Abu-Nimer M, Nasser I. Linking peacebuilding and child development: A basic framework. In: Leckman JF, Panter-Brick C, Salah R, editors. Pathways to peace: The transformative power of children and families. The MIT Press; 2014. 3. p. 323-338p.
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Verdeli H., Clougherty K., Onyango G., Lewandowski E., Speelman L., Betancourt T., et al. Group Interpersonal Psychotherapy for depressed youth in IDP camps in Northern Uganda: adaptation and training. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2008;17:605-24, ix.
Vestal A, Jones NA. Peace Building and Conflict Resolution in Preschool Children. Journal of Research in Childhood Education. 2004;19(2):131-142.
Victora C., Horta B., C. de Mola L, Quevedo L., Pinheiro R., Gigante D., et al. Association between breastfeeding and intelligence, educational attainment, and income at 30 years of age: a prospective birth cohort study from Brazil. Lancet Glob Health. 2015;3:e199-205.
Vinck P., Pham P., Balthazard M., HarvardHumanitarianIntiativeandUNICEF. Now the Kids are Safe: Population-based Survey on Peace and Education in Cote D'Ivoire.; 2016.
Vinck P., Pham P., HarvardHumanitarianInitiative. Burundi: Population-based Survey on Peace and Education.; 2015.
Vinck P., Pham P., Stover E., Weinstein H. Exposure to war crimes and implications for peace building in northern Uganda. JAMA. 2007;298:543-54.
Vollmer S., Harttgen K., Subramanyam M., Finlay J., Klasen S., Subramanian S. Association between economic growth and early childhood nutrition--Authors' reply. Lancet Glob Health. 2014;2:e501-e502.
Vollmer S., Harttgen K., Subramanyam M., Finlay J., Klasen S., Subramanian S. Association between economic growth and early childhood nutrition--authors' reply. Lancet Glob Health. 2015;3:e81.
Walker SP, Wachs TD, Gardner JM, Lozoff B, Wasserman GA, Pollitt E, et al. Child development: risk factors for adverse outcomes in developing countries. The Lancet. 2007;369(9556):145-157.
Walker S., Wachs T., Grantham-McGregor S., Black M., Nelson C., Huffman S., et al. Inequality in early childhood: risk and protective factors for early child development. Lancet. 2011;378:1325-38.
Walker S., Chang S., Vera-Hernandez M., Grantham-McGregor S. Early childhood stimulation benefits adult competence and reduces violent behavior. Pediatrics. 2011;127:849-57.
Walker S., Wachs T., Grantham-McGregor S., Black M., Nelson C., Huffman S., et al. Inequality in early childhood: risk and protective factors for early child development. Lancet (London, England). 2011;378:1325-38.
WashingtonUniversitySchoolOfMedicine. COVID-19 CME Resources for Learners (Training for healthcare professionals). Washington University School of Medicine at St. Louis; 2020.
WatchList. COVID-19 and Children in Armed Conflict. New York City: Watch List on Children in Armed Conflict; 2020.
Webster-Stratton C. Parent training with low-income families: promoting parental engagement through a collaborative approach. In: Lutzker J.R, editor. Handbook of Child Abuse Research and Treatment. New York, NY: Pienum Press; 1998.
Wessells MG. Children and armed conflict: Interventions for supporting war-affected children. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. 2017;23:4-13.
Weymouth LA, Howe TR. A multi-site evaluation of Parents Raising Safe Kids Violence Prevention Program. Children and Youth Services Review. 2011;33(10):1960-1967.
Whitehurst G., Falco F., Lonigan C., Fischel J., Debaryshe B., Valdezmenchaca M., et al. Accelerating Language-Development through Picture Book Reading. Dev Psychol. 1988;24:552-559.
Whitemore E, Ford M, Sack WH. Effectiveness of day treatment with proctor care for young children: A four-year follow-up. Journal of Community Psychology. 2003;31(5):459-468.
Whiteside-Mansell L, Bradley R, McKelvey L, Lopez M. Center-Based Early Head Start and Children Exposed to Family Conflict. Early Education & Development. 2009;20(6):942-957.
Williams LR, Degnan KA, Perez-Edgar KE, Henderson HA, Rubin KH, Pine DS, et al. Impact of behavioral inhibition and parenting style on internalizing and externalizing problems from early childhood through adolescence. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2009;37(8):1063-75.
Wilson E. Sociobiology: The New Synthesis. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press; 2000.
Exploring Early Childhood Care and Education Levers to Improve Population Health. Wizemann TM, editor. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press; 2019.
Wolfson M, Champion H, Rogers T, Neiberg RH, Barker DC, Talton JW, et al. Evaluation of free to grow: head start partnerships to promote substance-free communities. Eval Rev. 2011;35(2):153-88.
WomensBudgetGroup. Spirals of Inequality. Women's Budget Group; 2020.
WorldBankGroup, UnitedNations. Pathways for peace : inclusive approaches to preventing violent conflict. Washington, D.C.: World Bank,; 2018.


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