School teacher teachers her students with the help of a laptop at the rural school (West Bengal, India).

Knowledge Base

This knowledge platform for scholarly publishing is provided by the ECPC. Research and scholarly output included here has been selected and deposited based on its relevance to early childhood development, social cohesion, violence prevention and peace promotion, and more. Additional literature will be added as it becomes available.

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Aber L., Biersteker L., Dawes A., Rawlings L. Social Protection and Welfare Systems: Implications for Early Childhood Development. In: al P.RBritto, editor. Handbook of Early Childhood Development Research and Its Impact on Global Policy. New York: Oxford Univ. Press; 2013. 2. p. 260-274p.
Aboud F., Yousafzai A. Very Early Childhood Development. In: Black R.E, Laxminarayan R., Temmerman M., Walker N., editors. Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health: Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition (Volume 2). Washington (DC); 2016.
Abramowitz S., Marten M., Panter-Brick C. Medical humanitarianism: anthropologists speak out on policy and practice. Med Anthropol Q. 2015;29(1):1-23.
Abramowitz S., Panter-Brick C. Medical Humanitarianism: Ethnographies of Practice. Penn University Press; 2015.
Abu-Akel A., Armour E., Baron-Cohen S., Charnalia N., Leckman J., D. R., et al. Empathy an invaluable natural resource for peace. Rome, Italy: Foundation Child; 2019.
Evaluating Interreligious Peacebuilding and Dialogue. Abu-Nimer M, Nelson RKatalin, editors. De Gruyter; 2021.
Abu-Nimer M., Nasser I. Forgiveness in The Arab and Islamic Contexts. Journal of Religious Ethics. 2013;41(3):474-494.
Abu-Nimer M, Nasser I. Linking peacebuilding and child development: A basic framework. In: Leckman JF, Panter-Brick C, Salah R, editors. Pathways to peace: The transformative power of children and families. The MIT Press; 2014. 3. p. 323-338p.
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Panter-Brick C., Eggerman M. The field of medical anthropology in Social Science & Medicine. Soc Sci Med. 2018;196:233-239.
Panter-Brick C., Eggerman M., Tomlinson M. How might global health master deadly sins and strive for greater virtues? Glob Health Action. 2014;7:23411.
Panter-Brick C., Grimon M., Kalin M., Eggerman M. Trauma memories, mental health, and resilience: a prospective study of Afghan youth. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2015;56(7):814-25.
Panter-Brick C., Ungar M. Resilience humanitarianism and peacebuilding. In: Multisystemic resilience: Adaptation and transformation in contexts of change. Oxford University Press; 2021. 3. p. 361-74p.
Panter‐Brick C, Burgess A, Eggerman M, McAllister F, Pruett K, Leckman JF. Practitioner Review: Engaging fathers – recommendations for a game change in parenting interventions based on a systematic review of the global evidence. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 2014;55(11):1187-1212.
ParentingForLifelongHealth. COVID-19: 24/7 Parenting. Parenting for Lifelong Health; 2020.
Parker G, Tupling H, Brown L. A Parental Bonding Instrument. British Journal of Medical Psychology. 1979;52:1-10.
Patel V, Flisher AJ, Nikapota A, Malhotra S. Promoting child and adolescent mental health in low and middle income countries. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2008;49(3):313-34.
Patel P., Russell J., Allden K., Betancourt T., Bolton P., Galappatti A., et al. Transitioning mental health & psychosocial support: from short-term emergency to sustainable post-disaster development. Humanitarian Action Summit 2011. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2011;26:470-81.
Pearl E, Thieken L, Olafson E, Boat B, Connelly L, Barnes J, et al. Effectiveness of community dissemination of parent–child interaction therapy. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 2012;4(2):204-213.
Pereznieto P., Montes A., Langston L., Routier S. The costs and economic impact of violence against children. London: Child Fund Alliance, Overseas Development Institute; 2014.
Pettigrew T., Tropp L., Oskamp S. Does intergroup contact reduce prejudice? Recent meta-analytic findings. In: Reducing prejudice and discrimination. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; 2000. 9. p. 93-114p.
Pham P., Vinck P. Indicators framework for peacebuilding, education and social cohesion. Boston, MA: Harvard Humanitarian Initiative and UNICEF; 2017.
Pham P., Gibbons N., HarvardHumanitarianInitiativeandUNICEF. Uganda: Population-based Survey on Peace and Education.; 2015.
Pham P., Vinck P., Grace R., Fricke A., VanRooyen M. Strategic Documentation of Violence against Healthcare: Towards a Methodology for Accountability. World Health Popul. 2016;16:31-7.
Phillips D., Shonkoff J., CISECDevelopment, DBSSEducation, IMedicine, YFBoardonChildren. From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Childhood Development. National Academies Press; 2000.
Pinheiro P., Nations U. World Report on Violence against Children. New York: United Nations; 2006.
Pinto AI, Cadima J, Coelho V, Bryant DM, Peixoto C, Pessanha M, et al. Quality of infant child care and early infant development in Portuguese childcare centers. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 2019;48:246-255.
Plotsky PM, Thrivikraman KV, Nemeroff CB, Caldji C, Sharma S, Meaney MJ. Long-term consequences of neonatal rearing on central corticotropin-releasing factor systems in adult male rat offspring. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2005;30(12):2192-204.
Ponguta L., Moore K., Varghese D., Hein S., Ng A., Alzaghoul A., et al. Landscape Analysis of Early Childhood Development and Education in Emergencies. Journal on Education in Emergencies. 2022;8(1):138.
Ponguta L., Donaldson C., Affolter F., Connolly P., Dunne L., Miller S., et al. Early Childhood Development programs, peacebuilding, and the Sustainable Development Goals: Opportunities for interdisciplinary research and multisectoral partnerships. In: Verma S., Petersen A.C, editors. Vol 74. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2018. 7. p. 77-95p.
Ponguta L., Zonderman A. Early Childhood Peace Consortium: Full report on the global launch. New Haven: Yale University; 2013.
Ponguta LA, Zonderman A. Early Childhood Peace Consortium: Full report on the global launch. Early Childhood Peace Consortium (ECPC); 2013.
Ponguta LA, Maldonado-Carreño C, Kagan SL, Yoshikawa H, Nieto AM, Aragón CA, et al. Adaptation and Application of the Measuring Early Learning Quality and Outcomes (MELQO) Framework to Early Childhood Education Settings in Colombia. Zeitschrift für Psychologie. 2019;227(2):105-112.
Ponguta L., Rasheed M., Reyes C., Yousafzai A. A Conceptual Model for Youth-Led Programs as a Promising Approach to Early Childhood Care and Education. New directions for child and adolescent development. 2018;2018:71-89.
Ponguta LA, Aragón CA, Varela LR, Moore K, Hein S, Cerezo A. Sector‐wide analysis of early childhood development and education in emergencies in Colombia and considerations to strengthen systems globally. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development. 2020;2020(172):103-123.
Ponguta LA, Issa G, Aoudeh L, Maalouf C, Nourallah S, Khoshnood K, et al. Implementation Evaluation of the Mother‐Child Education Program Among Refugee and Other Vulnerable Communities in Lebanon. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development. 2019.
Ponguta L., Rasheed M., Reyes C., Yousafzai A. A conceptual model for youth-led programs as a promising approach to Early Childhood Care and Education. New Dir Child Adolesc Dev. 2018;2018:71-89.
Prinz R., Sanders M., Shapiro C., Whitaker D., Lutzker J. Population-Based Prevention of Child Maltreatment: The US Triple P System Population Trial. Prev Sci. 2009;10:1-12.


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