
Export 1437 results:
Carré, Justin M., et al. "Testosterone reactivity to provocation mediates the effect of early intervention on aggressive behavior." Psychol Sci. 25.5 (2014): 1140-6.
Heard, Edith, and Robert A. Martienssen. "Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance: myths and mechanisms." Cell. 157.1 (2014): 95-109.
Conti, G., and J. J. Heckman. "Understanding conscientiousness across the life course: an economic perspective." Dev PsycholDev Psychol. 50 (2014): 1451-9.
Jack, Helen, Amelia Reese Masterson, and Kaveh Khoshnood. "Violent conflict and opiate use in low and middle-income countries: a systematic review." Int. J. Drug Policy. 25.2 (2014): 196-203.
Anderson, N American Psychologist / Special Issue: Peace Psychology., 2013.
Cicchetti, D. "Annual Research Review: Resilient functioning in maltreated children--past, present, and future perspectives." J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 54.4 (2013): 402-22.
Barber, Brian K. "Annual Research Review: The experience of youth with political conflict--challenging notions of resilience and encouraging research refinement." J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 54.4 (2013): 461-73.
Karatsoreos, Ilia N., Ilia N. Karatoreos, and Bruce S. McEwen. "Annual Research Review: The neurobiology and physiology of resilience and adaptation across the life course." J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 54.4 (2013): 337-47.
Vinck, P., and P. N. Pham. "Association of exposure to intimate-partner physical violence and potentially traumatic war-related events with mental health in Liberia." Soc Sci Med. 77 (2013): 41-9.
Kenkel, William M., et al. "Autonomic substrates of the response to pups in male prairie voles." PLoS ONE. 8.8 (2013): e69965.
Belsky, Jay, and Michael Pluess. "Beyond risk, resilience, and dysregulation: phenotypic plasticity and human development." Dev. Psychopathol.. 25.4 Pt 2 (2013): 1243-61.
Carter, C. S., and S. W. Porges. "The biochemistry of love: an oxytocin hypothesis." EMBO Rep.. 14.1 (2013): 12-6.
Rafferty, Y. "Child trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation: a review of promising prevention policies and programs." Am J Orthopsychiatry. 83 (2013): 559-75.
Provençal, Nadine, et al. "Childhood chronic physical aggression associates with adult cytokine levels in plasma." PLoS ONE. 8.7 (2013): e69481.
Evans, Gary W., and Pilyoung Kim. "Childhood Poverty, Chronic Stress, Self-Regulation, and Coping." Child Development Perspectives. 7 (2013): 43-48.
Barhight, Lydia R., Julie A. Hubbard, and Christopher T. Hyde. "Children's physiological and emotional reactions to witnessing bullying predict bystander intervention." Child Dev. 84.1 (2013): 375-90.
Dunfield, K. A., and V. A. Kuhlmeier. "Classifying prosocial behavior: children's responses to instrumental need, emotional distress, and material desire." Child Dev. 84 (2013): 1766-76.
Cohrs, J. C., et al. "Contributions of positive psychology to peace: toward global well-being and resilience." Am Psychol. 68.7 (2013): 590-600.
Christie, D. J., and C. J. Montiel. "Contributions of psychology to war and peace." Am Psychol. 68.7 (2013): 502-13.
Halim, M. L., H. Yoshikawa, and D. M. Amodio. "Cross-generational effects of discrimination among immigrant mothers: perceived discrimination predicts child's healthcare visits for illness." Health Psychol. 32 (2013): 203-11.
Blair, Clancy, et al. "Cumulative effects of early poverty on cortisol in young children: moderation by autonomic nervous system activity." Psychoneuroendocrinology. 38.11 (2013): 2666-75.
Szyf, Moshe, and Johanna Bick. "DNA methylation: a mechanism for embedding early life experiences in the genome." Child Dev. 84.1 (2013): 49-57.
Ramchandani, P. G., et al. "Do early father-infant interactions predict the onset of externalising behaviours in young children? Findings from a longitudinal cohort study." J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 54.1 (2013): 56-64.
Ponguta, L. A., and A. Zonderman Early Childhood Peace Consortium: Full report on the global launch. New Haven: Yale University, 2013.
Ponguta, LA, and A Zonderman Early Childhood Peace Consortium: Full report on the global launch. Early Childhood Peace Consortium (ECPC), 2013.
Sunar, D., et al. "Is early childhood relevant to peacebuilding?" J Peacebuilding Develop. 8 (2013): 81-85.
Panter-Brick, C., and J. F. Leckman. "Editorial Commentary: Resilience in child development--interconnected pathways to wellbeing." J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 54.4 (2013): 333-6.
Panter-Brick, C., and J. F. Leckman. "Editorial Commentary: Resilience in child development--interconnected pathways to wellbeing." Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines. 54 (2013): 333-6.
Acheson, D., et al. "The effect of intranasal oxytocin treatment on conditioned fear extinction and recall in a healthy human sample." Psychopharmacology (Berl.). 229.1 (2013): 199-208.
Borisova, I., T. S. Betancourt, and J. B. Willett. "Efforts to Promote Reintegration and Rehabilitation of Traumatized Former Child Soldiers: Reintegration of Former Child Soldiers in Sierra Leone: The Role of Caregivers and Their Awareness of the Violence Adolescents Experienced During the War." J Aggress Maltreat Trauma. 22 (2013): 803-828.
Boxer, Paul, et al. "Exposure to violence across the social ecosystem and the development of aggression: a test of ecological theory in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict." Child Dev. 84.1 (2013): 163-77.
Beckes, Lane, James A. Coan, and Karen Hasselmo. "Familiarity promotes the blurring of self and other in the neural representation of threat." Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 8.6 (2013): 670-7.
Lebowitz, E. R., et al. "Family accommodation in pediatric anxiety disorders." Depress Anxiety. 30 (2013): 47-54.
Lamb, M.E., et al. Father-child relationships." Handbook of father involvement: multidisciplinary perspectives(link is external). Routlege, 2013. 119-134.
Institute, Fatherhood Fatherhood Institute research summary: Fathers’ impact on their children’s learning and achievement. Fatherhood Institute, 2013.
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Abu-Nimer, M., and I. Nasser. "Forgiveness in The Arab and Islamic Contexts." Journal of Religious Ethics. 41.3 (2013): 474-494.
Bentley, M. J., et al. "Gene variants associated with antisocial behaviour: a latent variable approach." J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 54 (2013): 1074-85.
Berdasco, María, and Manel Esteller. "Genetic syndromes caused by mutations in epigenetic genes." Hum. Genet.. 132.4 (2013): 359-83.
D'Ambruoso, Lucia. "Global health post-2015: the case for universal health equity." Glob Health Action. 6 (2013): 19661.
Britto, P. R., P. L. Engle, and C. M. Super Handbook of Early Childhood Development Research and Its Impact on Global Policy. New York, NY USA: Oxford University Press, 2013.
Langford, Rebecca, and Catherine Panter-Brick. "A health equity critique of social marketing: where interventions have impact but insufficient reach." Soc Sci Med. 83 (2013): 133-41.
Weiland, C., and H. Yoshikawa. "Impacts of a prekindergarten program on children's mathematics, language, literacy, executive function, and emotional skills." Child Dev. 84 (2013): 2112-30.
Nakimuli-Mpungu, E., et al. "Implementation and scale-up of psycho-trauma centers in a post-conflict area: a case study of a private-public partnership in northern Uganda." PLoS Med. 10 (2013): e1001427.
INEE, and The Inter- Agen Emergencies INEE Guidance Note on Conflict Sensitive Education., 2013.
Fatori, D., et al. "Influence of psychosocial risk factors on the trajectory of mental health problems from childhood to adolescence: a longitudinal study." BMC psychiatry. 13 (2013): 31.
Betancourt, T. S., et al. "Interventions for children affected by war: an ecological perspective on psychosocial support and mental health care." Harv Rev PsychiatryHarv Rev Psychiatry. 21 (2013): 70-91.
Betancourt, T. S., et al. "Interventions for children affected by war: an ecological perspective on psychosocial support and mental health care." Harv Rev Psychiatry. 21.2 (2013): 70-91.
Anacker, Allison M. J., and Annaliese K. Beery. "Life in groups: the roles of oxytocin in mammalian sociality." Front Behav Neurosci. 7 (2013): 185.


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