
Export 1437 results:
Engle, P. L., et al. "Strategies for reducing inequalities and improving developmental outcomes for young children in low-income and middle-income countries." Lancet. 378.9799 (2011): 1339-53.
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Campbell, Frances A., et al. "Adult outcomes as a function of an early childhood educational program: an Abecedarian Project follow-up." Dev Psychol. 48.4 (2012): 1033-43.
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Bornstein, M. H., et al. "Child development in developing countries: introduction and methods." Child Dev. 83.1 (2012): 16-31.
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Naumova, Oksana Yu, et al. "Differential patterns of whole-genome DNA methylation in institutionalized children and children raised by their biological parents." Dev. Psychopathol.. 24.1 (2012): 143-55.
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Yoshikawa, H., J. L. Aber, and W. R. Beardslee. "The effects of poverty on the mental, emotional, and behavioral health of children and youth: implications for prevention." Am Psychol. 67 (2012): 272-84.
Bernard, Kristin, et al. "Enhancing attachment organization among maltreated children: results of a randomized clinical trial." Child Dev. 83.2 (2012): 623-36.
Ellis, B. J., et al. "The evolutionary basis of risky adolescent behavior: implications for science, policy, and practice." Dev Psychol. 48 (2012): 598-623.
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Labonté, Benoit, et al. "Genome-wide epigenetic regulation by early-life trauma." Arch. Gen. Psychiatry. 69.7 (2012): 722-31.
Ecker, J. R., et al. "Genomics: ENCODE explained." Nature. 489 (2012): 52-5.


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