Adult outcomes as a function of an early childhood educational program: an Abecedarian Project follow-up.

TitleAdult outcomes as a function of an early childhood educational program: an Abecedarian Project follow-up.
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsCampbell, Frances A., Elizabeth P. Pungello, Margaret Burchinal, Kirsten Kainz, Yi Pan, Barbara H. Wasik, Oscar A. Barbarin, Joseph J. Sparling, and Craig T. Ramey
PubMed ID22250997
PubMed Central IDPMC3989926
Grant List6 R40 MC 00254 / / PHS HHS / United States
R01 HD040817 / HD / NICHD NIH HHS / United States
R01 HD054702 / HD / NICHD NIH HHS / United States
R37 HD065072 / HD / NICHD NIH HHS / United States

Adult (age 30) educational, economic, and social-emotional adjustment outcomes were investigated for participants in the Abecedarian Project, a randomized controlled trial of early childhood education for children from low-income families. Of the original 111 infants enrolled (98% African American), 101 took part in the age 30 follow-up. Primary indicators of educational level, economic status, and social adjustment were examined as a function of early childhood treatment. Treated individuals attained significantly more years of education, but income-to-needs ratios and criminal involvement did not vary significantly as a function of early treatment. A number of other indicators were described for each domain. Overall, the findings provide strong evidence for educational benefits, mixed evidence for economic benefits, and little evidence for treatment-related social adjustment outcomes. Implications for public policy are discussed.

Title Adult outcomes as a function of an early childhood educational program: an Abecedarian Project follow-up.
Publication Title Dev Psychol
Publication Type Journal Article
Published Year 2012
Authors F.A. Campbell; E.P. Pungello; M. Burchinal; K. Kainz; Y. Pan; B.H. Wasik; O.A. Barbarin; J.J. Sparling; C.T. Ramey
ISSN Number 1939-0599
PubMed ID 22250997
PubMed Central ID PMC3989926
Grant List
6 R40 MC 00254 PHS HHS United States
R01 HD040817 HD NICHD NIH HHS United States
R01 HD054702 HD NICHD NIH HHS United States
R37 HD065072 HD NICHD NIH HHS United States


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