Title | Adult outcomes as a function of an early childhood educational program: an Abecedarian Project follow-up |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Authors | Campbell, F. A., E. P. Pungello, M. Burchinal, K. Kainz, Y. Pan, B. H. Wasik, O. A. Barbarin, J. J. Sparling, and C. T. Ramey |
Adult outcomes as a function of an early childhood educational program: an Abecedarian Project follow-up
Title | Adult outcomes as a function of an early childhood educational program: an Abecedarian Project follow-up |
Publication Title | Dev PsycholDev Psychol |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Published Year | 2012 |
Authors | F.A. Campbell; E.P. Pungello; M. Burchinal; K. Kainz; Y. Pan; B.H. Wasik; O.A. Barbarin; J.J. Sparling; C.T. Ramey |
Edition | 2012/01/19 |
Accession Number | 22250997 |
Number | 4 |
ISBN Number | 0012-1649 |
Grant List | - |
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