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UNICEF Investment in Equity and Peacebuilding: South Africa Case Study. Washington, DC: FHI 360 Education Policy and Data Center, 2015.
UNICEF Beyond borders: How to make the global compacts on migration and refugees work for uprooted children. New York, NY: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), 2017.
UNICEF Building better brains: New frontiers in Early Childhood Development. New York City: UNICEF, 2014.
UNICEF For every child a fair chance. The promise of equity . New York, NY: UNICEF, 2015.
UNICEF Podcast Children at Heart | Parenting under lockdown. South Africa: UNICEF, 2020.
UNICEF, and ISSA Supporting Families for Nurturing Care: Resource Modules for Home Visitors., 2016.
UNICEF A familiar face: Violence in the lives of children and adolescents. New York, NY: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), 2017.
UNICEF Starting early to build stronger and more peaceful societies (Eng). New York : UNICEF, 2015.
UNICEF. "Hidden in Plain Sight: A statistical analysis of violence against children." (2014).
UNICEF Guide to: Conflict Analysis., 2016.
UNICEF Missing from the story: The urgent need for better data to protect children on the move. IDAC Data InSIGHT # 1. UNICEF, 2021.
UNICEF, and C. I. Ravnbol Women Motherhood Early Childhood Development. UNICEF, 2011.
UNICEF Learning for Peace narratives from the field: A compendium of programme statistics 2012/2016. New York City: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), 2018.
UNICEF UNICEFs program guidance for early childhood development. New York, NY: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), 2017.
UNICEF Transforming the lives of children in Rwanda: Investing in family and community-centered services. UNICEF, 2018.
UNICEF, and IOM Harrowing journeys. New York, NY: UNICEF, 2017.
UNICEF Investment in Equity and Peacebuilding: Uganda Case Study. Washington, DC: FHI 360 Education Policy and Data Center, 2015.
UNICEF A generation to protect: Monitoring violence, exploitation and abuse of children within the SDG framework. UNICEF, 2020.
UNICEF Early childhood education and peacebuilding in post-conflict Northern and Eastern Uganda. Nairobi, Kenya: UNICEF, 2015.
UNICEF Podcast Children at Heart | Mental health, children & COVID-19. South Africa: UNICEF, 2020.
UNICEF Pan-African Symposium on Education, Resilience and Social Cohesion - Strengthening Education Policies and Programmes to Achieve SDGs and Africa’s Agenda 2063. Peacebuilding Education and Advocacy in Conflict-affected Contexts Programme, 2016.
UNICEF One in three: Internet governance and children's rights. Florence, Italy: UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti, 2016.
UNICEF Family-friendly policies: Redesigning the workplace of the future. A policy brief.. New York, NY: UNICF, 2019.
UNICEF Lebanon: Children’s future on the line. UNICEF, 2021.
UNICEF Mental health and psychosocial support for children in humanitarian settings: An updated review of evidence and practice (November 2020). New York City: UNICEF, 2021.
UNICEF The links between Equity, Governance, Education and Peacebuilding in Kenya., 2016.
UNICEF Best of UNICEF research 2017. Miscellanea UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti, Florence. Florence, Italy: UNICEF, 2017.
UNICEF The state of the world’s children: Adolescence – An age of opportunity. New York, NY: UNICEF, 2011.
UNICEF Research on the Sexual Exploitation of Boys: Findings, ethical considerations and methodological challenges. UNICEF, 2020.
UNICEF Does horizontal education inequality lead to violent conflict?. New York, New York: FHI 360 EDUCATION POLICY AND DATA CENTER, 2015.
UNICEF Quantifying Heckman: Are Governments in Eastern and Southern Africa Maximizing Returns on Investments in Early Childhood Development?. UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office, 2021.
UNICEF Early childhood development in emergencies. Integrated programme guide. UNICEF, 2014.
UNICEF Global resource guide on public finance for children in early childhood development. UNICEF, 2020.
UNICEF Are Children Really Learning? Exploring foundational skills in the midst of a learning crisis. UNICEF, 2022.
UNICEF UNICEF Programme Report 2012-2016. Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy in Conflict-Affected Contexts (, 2016.
UNICEF Global kids online research synthesis, 2015-2016. Florence, Italy: UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti, 2016.
UNICEF Averting a lost COVID generation A six-point plan to respond, recover and reimagine a post-pandemic world for every child. UNICEF, 2020.
UNICEF Education Inequality and Violent Conflict: Evidence and Policy Considerations. FHI 360 Education Policy and Data Center, 2016.
UNICEF Evaluation of UNICEF's Peacebuilding, Education, and Advocacy Programme (PBEA). New York, 2015.
UNICEF, SASSA, and SocialDevelopment South African Child Support Grant Impact Assessment. Pretoria: Dept. of Social Development., 2012.
UNICEF, et al. Uprooted. The growing crisis for refugee and migrant children. New York, NY: UNICEF, 2016.
UNICEF Podcast Children at Heart | Caring for every child in a time of COVID-19. South Africa: UNICEF, 2020.
UNICEF The state of the world’s children 2006: excluded and invisible. New York, NY: UNICEF, 2006.
UNICEF Horizontal Inequality in Education and Violent Conflict. Washington, DC: FHI 360 Education Policy and Data Center, 2015.
UNICEF Compendium of Resources | Coronavirus disease (COVID-19). What you need to know about the virus to protect you and your family., 2020.
UNICEF Early childhood development and family services: Baseline evaluation in 20 sites in Rwanda.. Kigali, Rwanda: UNICEF, 2014.
UNICEF How does the time children spend using digital technology impact their mental well-being, social relationships and physical activity? An evidence-focused literature review. Florence, Italy: UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti, 2017.
UNICEF The Climate Crisis is a Child Rights Crisis. Introducing the Children’s Climate Risk Index.. New York, NY, USA: UNICEF, 2021.
UnitedNations, and General Assembly Follow-up to the Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace., 2018.


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