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The following case study videos, generated by UNICEFs country offices from Somalia, Sudan, Uganda and Côte d’lvoire, feature program beneficiaries from the field and their real-life stories.

Friedrich W. Affolter, EdD, education expert for Risk-Informed Programming at UNICEF New York Program Division, and Secretary to the ECPC, joins host, Nancy Shemrah Fallon of the ECPC Global Communications Team. Dr. Affolter discusses his pioneering work as manager of UNICEF’s Peace Building Education and Advocacy Program (PBEA), also called Learning for Peace, which designed education programs that contributed to the mitigation of drivers of conflict in 14 fragile and post-conflict countries. More information (English transcript)
Christina de Bruin, Deputy Representative at UNICEF Côte d’Ivoire, joins host Angelica Ponguta, Associate Research Scientist at Yale University. Ms. de Bruin discusses how the UNICEF Learning for Peace program in the Ivory Coast empowers women of different ethnicities at early childhood development centers to build trust and peace for their children, families, and communities. More information (English transcript).
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