ECPC relevant resources

Three school girls read yet colorful childrens books with lots of pictures, drawings (State of Bahia in the North-East region, Brazil). © Sjors737 | Dreamstime Images

ECPC relevant resources

ECPC relevant resources

ECPC relevant resources that recognize early childhood development (ECD) strategies for peacebuilding


This knowledge platform for scholarly publishing is provided by the ECPC. Research and scholarly output included here has been selected and deposited based on its key relevance to early childhood development, social cohesion, violence prevention and peace promotion, and more. Additional key literature will be added as it becomes available.

ECPC Relevant Resources

McLean, K.E., and C. Panter-Brick. Fathers Matter for Peace, Equity and Social Inclusion. New Haven, CT USA: Conflict, Resilience, and Health Program, Yale University, 2022.
ME, Merritt, Peterson E, Shaheen R, Zerbib A, Mellinghoff S, Nuli S, De Oliveira S, Ramirez JB, Fallon C, Panter-Brick C et al. Intergenerational Pathways to Peace: Putting Children First. Policy Brief, Global Health Studies Program. New Haven, CT USA: Global Health Studies Program, Jackson School of Global Affairs, Yale University, 2024.
Morgan, B., D. Sunar, S. Carter, J. Leckman, D.P. Fry, E.B. Keverne, I. Kolassa, R. Kumsta, and D. Olds. "Human biological development and peace: Genes, brains, safety, and justice." In Pathways to peace: The transformative power of children and families, edited by J. Leckman, C. Panter-Brick and R. Salah, 95-128. Vol. 15. MIT Press, 2014.
Nusseibeh, Lucy. "The power of media in peacebuilding." In Pathways to peace: The transformative power of children and families, edited by James F. Leckman, Catherine Panter-Brick and Rima Salah, 339-360. Vol. 15. The MIT Press, 2014.
Panter-Brick, C., and M. Ungar. " Resilience humanitarianism and peacebuilding." In Multisystemic resilience: Adaptation and transformation in contexts of change, 361-74. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Panter‐Brick, Catherine, Adrienne Burgess, Mark Eggerman, Fiona McAllister, Kyle Pruett, and James F. Leckman. "Practitioner Review: Engaging fathers – recommendations for a game change in parenting interventions based on a systematic review of the global evidence." Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 55, no. 11 (2014): 1187-1212.
Ponguta, LA, and A Zonderman. Early Childhood Peace Consortium: Full report on the global launch. Early Childhood Peace Consortium (ECPC), 2013.
Ponguta, L.A., K. Moore, D. Varghese, S. Hein, A. Ng, A.F. Alzaghoul, M.A. Benavides Camacho, K. Sethi, and M. Al-Soleiti. "Landscape Analysis of Early Childhood Development and Education in Emergencies." Journal on Education in Emergencies 8, no. 1 (2022): 138.
Ponguta, Liliana A., Ghassan Issa, Lara Aoudeh, Cosette Maalouf, Sascha D. Hein, Anna L. Zonderman, Liliya Katsovich, Kaveh Khoshnood, Johanna Bick, Abir Awar et al. "Effects of the Mother−Child Education Program on parenting stress and disciplinary practices among refugee and other marginalized communities in Lebanon: A pilot randomized controlled trial." Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (2020).
Ponguta, Liliana Angelica, Carolina Maldonado-Carreño, Sharon Lynn Kagan, Hirokazu Yoshikawa, Ana María Nieto, Carlos Andrés Aragón, Angy Mateus, Ana María Rodríguez, Andrés Motta, Lucero Ramirez Varela et al. "Adaptation and Application of the Measuring Early Learning Quality and Outcomes (MELQO) Framework to Early Childhood Education Settings in Colombia." Zeitschrift für Psychologie 227, no. 2 (2019): 105-112.
Ponguta, L. A., C. Donaldson, F. Affolter, P. Connolly, L. Dunne, S. Miller, P. Britto, R. Salah, and J. Leckman. "Early Childhood Development programs, peacebuilding, and the Sustainable Development Goals: Opportunities for interdisciplinary research and multisectoral partnerships.", edited by S. Verma and A. C. Petersen, 77-95. Vol. 74. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Ponguta, L. A., and A. Zonderman. Early Childhood Peace Consortium: Full report on the global launch. New Haven: Yale University, 2013.
Ponguta, L. A., M. A. Rasheed, C. R. Reyes, and A. K. Yousafzai. "A conceptual model for youth-led programs as a promising approach to Early Childhood Care and Education." New Dir Child Adolesc Dev 2018 (2018): 71-89.
Pruett, K., M. Pruett, H. Fitzgerald, K. von Klitzing, N. Cabrera, Scarano J. de Mendonca, and T. Skjothaung. " Engaging fathers of young children in low-income families to improve child and family outcomes: A preventive intervention perspective." In Handbook of fathers and child development: Prenatal to preschool, 627-638. Springer, 2020.
Pruett, Marsha Kline, Kyle D. Pruett, Carolyn P. Cowan, and Philip A. Cowan. "Enhancing Paternal Engagement in a Coparenting Paradigm." Child Development Perspectives 11, no. 4 (2017): 245-250.
Pruett, Marsha Kline, Philip A. Cowan, Carolyn Pape Cowan, Peter Gillette, and Kyle D. Pruett. "Supporting Father Involvement: An Intervention With Community and Child Welfare-Referred Couples." Family Relations 68, no. 1 (2019): 51-67.
Punamäki, Raija-Leena. "Mental health and development among children living in violent conditions: Underlying processes for promoting peace." In Pathways to peace: The transformative power of children and families, edited by James F. Leckman, Catherine Panter-Brick and Rima Salah, 213-232. Vol. 15. The MIT Press, 2014.
Ramos-Horta, J., A. Haq, J. Arnault, M. Baricako, R. Coomaraswamy, A. Guha, A. Hughes, A. Ilitchev, H. F. Johnson, Y. Mahmoud et al. United our strengths for peace, politics, partnership and people: Report of the High-level Independent Panel on United Nations Peace Operations., 2015.
Rey-Guerra, Catalina, Carolina Maldonado-Carreño, Liliana Angelica Ponguta, Ana María Nieto, and Hirokazu Yoshikawa. "Family engagement in early learning opportunities at home and in early childhood education centers in Colombia." Early Childhood Research Quarterly 58 (2022): 35-46.
Richter, Linda M., Liana Ghent, Ghassan M. Issa, Lynette Okengo, and Evelyn Santiago. "Guidance for the health sector to partner with parents and families for early childhood development." The Lancet 395, no. 10226 (2020): 766-768.
Salah, R. "Global citizenship and the role of the United Nations: The promise of the Early Childhood Peace Consortium." New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development 2018, no. 159 (2018): 99-105.
Schwartz, Kate, Duja Michael, Lina Torossian, Diala Hajal, Hirokazu Yoshikawa, Somaia Abdulrazzak, Jamile Youssef, Phoebe Sloane, Siwar Hashwe, Kim Foulds et al. "Leveraging Caregivers to Provide Remote Early Childhood Education in Hard-to-Access Settings in Lebanon: Impacts From a Randomized Controlled Trial." Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness (2024): 1-31.
SRSGVAC. Report of the Special Representative of the Secretary - General on violence against children. New York City: United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children, 2019.
Steele, Howard, Marinus H. van IJzendoorn, Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg, Thomas W. Boyce, Mary Dozier, Nathan A. Fox, Heidi Keller, Dario Maestripieri, Paul Odhiambo Oburu, and Hiltrud Otto. "How do events and relationships in childhood set the stage for peace at personal and social levels?" In Pathways to peace: The transformative power of children and families, edited by James F. Leckman, Catherine Panter-Brick and Rima Salah, 185-210. Vol. 15. The MIT Press, 2014.
Sunar, D., Ç. Kâğıtçıbaşı, J. F. Leckman, P. Britto, C. Panter-Brick, K. Pruett, M. Reyes, W. Hodges, A. Zonderman, Y. Yazgan et al. "Is early childhood relevant to peacebuilding?" J Peacebuilding Develop 8 (2013): 81-85.
Ullman, M., T. Hyder, Z. Halaimzai, N. Elattar, and A. Shrikhande. How investing in early childhood contributes to the Global Goals. Medium, 2019.
UnitedNations, and General Assembly. Peace Resolutions., 2016.
UnitedNations, and General Assembly. Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace. New York, 1999.
UnitedNations, and General Assembly. A world fit for children ., 2002.
UnitedNationsSecurityCouncil. Youth and peace and security. Report of the Secretary-General. New York City: United Nations, 2020.
van IJzendoorn, Marinus H., and Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg. "Prosocial development and situational morality: Neurobiological, parental, and contextual factors." In Pathways to peace: The transformative power of children and families, edited by James F. Leckman, Catherine Panter-Brick and Rima Salah, 161-184. Vol. 15. The MIT Press, 2014.
Wuermli, Alice J., Hirokazu Yoshikawa, and Paul D. Hastings. "A bioecocultural approach to supporting adolescent mothers and their young children in conflict-affected contexts." Development and Psychopathology (2021): 1-13.


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