Data, research & case studies
In this section, we provide summaries of the research, data and case studies generated under UNICEF’s Education and Emergencies and Post-Crisis Transition (EEPCT) program, as well as UNICEF’s 2012 – 2016 Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Program (PBEA) – both funded by the Government of the Netherlands.
The above presentation provides a summary of each work area by slide. Its associated reference is indicated at the bottom of the slide. These references are also presented below in order of appearance for quick access.
Permission to share Learning for Peace resources with the online Early Childhood Peace Consortium (ECPC) community is granted by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). Additional resources will be provided as they become available.
References | Learning for Peace: Data, research & case studies (Eng)
The Role of Education in Peacebuilding: Methodological Framework for Three Country Case Studies
The Role of Education in Peacebuilding: Case Study – Lebanon
The Role of Education in Peacebuilding: Case Study – Sierra Leone
Horizontal Inequality in Education and Violent Conflict Literature Review
Does horizontal education inequality lead to violent conflict? A Global Analysis
Violent Conflict and Educational Inequality Literature Review
The Effects of Armed Conflict on Educational Attainment and Inequality
Education Inequality and Violent Conflict: Evidence and Policy Considerations
The links between Equity, Governance, Education and Peacebuilding in Kenya
A Study of Education and Resilience in Kenya’s Arid and Semi-Arid Lands
The Integration of Education and Peacebuilding: A Review of Literature
Youth Agency, Peacebuilding and Education: Literature Review
Beyond Ideology and Greed: Trajectories of Young People towards New Forms of Violence in Côte d’Ivoire and Mali (ENG) (FR)
Education and Transitional Justice: Opportunities and Challenges for Peacebuilding
Language Education and Social Cohesion (LESC) Initiative: Synthesis Report
Gender, Education and Peacebuilding: A Review of Selected Learning for Peace Case Studies
Population-Based Survey on Peace and Education in Côte d’Ivoire
Population-Based Survey on Peace and Education: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Additional documents
- Broadcasting Peace: A Case Study on Education for Peace, Participation and Skills Development through Radio and Community Dialogue
- Learning for Peace: Narratives from the Field. A Compendium of Programme Strategies 2012/2016
- Safe from Violence in Schools: A Case Study on Prevention of Violence in Ugandan Schools through ‘Scouting for Peace’
- Skills for Peace: Strengthening Peacebuilding Competencies Among Youth and Adolescents in Karamoja
- Strengthening Peacebuilding Competencies through Secondary Education: A Case Study on Piloting Reformed Lower Secondary Curriculum in Uganda
- The 4rs Framework: Analyzing Education’s Contribution to Sustainable Peacebuilding with Social Justice in Conflict-Affected Contexts. J Educ Emergencies, 2017.
- The Potential of Conflict-Sensitive Education Approaches in Fragile Countries: The Case of Curriculum Framework Reform and Youth Civic Participation in Somalia. J Educ Emergencies, 2017.
- Youth Education Programming and Peacebuilding in Dadaab Refugee Camp: Results and Lessons Learned
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