The Early Childhood Peace Consortium (ECPC) joins voices with Make Mother Matter (MMM) to pay tribute to mothers and fathers across the globe in their service of peace as they toil every day to anchor peace within their homes and communities.
In observance of the 70th International Day of Peace - 21 September 2018
On the occasion of this United Nations-sanctioned international holiday, Anne-Claire de Liedekerke, Director of Make Mothers Matter (MMM), and Rima Salah, Chair of the Early Childhood Peace Consortium (ECPC), wish to share with the global community, two important conclusions gleaned from the recent MMM hosted 2018 Mothers4Peace Conference “which concern every parent, on how recent scientific evidence supports that peace begins in the home and peace education should start at a very early age.”
1. Nurturing Early Childhood Education and Care is a cornerstone for building a culture of peace.
In Dr. Salah’s Mothers4Peace conference presentation, “Pathways for peace: The transformative role of mothers in building peace at home”, she underscored that “While an individual’s genetic endowment is fundamental, parenting provides a legacy that transcends our genes. How a child is nurtured and cared for early in life has a direct impact on brain structure and function.”
She further noted that “this new knowledge holds significant implications for the future of millions of children living in fragile contexts worldwide, as well as on our thinking about creating a culture of peace and about sustaining peace in the world.” She concluded by highlighting the importance of positive parenting and reinforced the scientific evidence - that “stimulation, care giving, attachment, bonding and creating safe contexts for children, all have positive influence on their brain development and can help children grow, learn and thrive.”
2. Involving fathers in childcare and education through the promotion of positive fatherhood reduces violence in the family and beyond.
The second conclusion was drawn from the presentation by global expert, Gary Barker, President and CEO of Promundo, and Cofounder of the global campaign, MenCare. Mr. Barker highlighted the need to “promote men’s involvement as equitable, non-violent caregivers. A key entry point is expectant fathers.” He revealed scientific evidence that supports father involvement as a means to reduce violence in the family and beyond.
The ECPC and MMM proactively support the dissemination and wide-scaled application of this science- and practice-based evidence so that “it will become so clear that parents need better recognition as well as training, information and support”, what needs to be “a priority for policy makers and for each and everyone of us”.
Notable quotes
“Beyond the family, building peace is also our collective responsibility. We all have to be aware that recognising and supporting the role of parents is crucial - and act on it.”
— Make Mothers Matter (MMM)
“We have the science, the knowledge, the technology, and experience to build a world of peace. What we need from the global community is an unfailing vision, an unwavering commitment, as well as a strong partnership for and with families/parents/mothers and their children. There is no better time than now to unite our strengths and elevate the role of mothers and fathers as they toil every day to erect building blocks for peace in their home, and raising children as drivers of the culture of peace.”
— Rima Salah, PhD, Chair Early Childhood Peace Consortium (ECPC), Former Deputy Executive Director UNICEF
Be the change.
For more information on the 2018 International Day of Peace and what you can do to anchor peace in your family and community, please visit the UN International Day of Peace website.
The International Day of Peace (“Peace Day”) is observed around the world each year on 21 September. Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution 36/37, the General Assembly has declared this as a day “to devote a specific time to concentrate the efforts of the United Nations and its Member States, as well as of the whole of mankind, to promoting the ideals of peace and to giving positive evidence of their commitment to peace in all viable ways…”
Make Mothers Matter (MMM) is an international NGO with no political or religious affiliations, which supports and raises awareness about the essential role of mothers in ensuring economic, social and cultural development. MMM federates over 40 grassroots organisations around the world in support of over six million mothers worldwide.
The Early Childhood Peace Consortium (ECPC) network is founded on the idea that the global community must address root causes of violence and conflict, and that children and families can be agents of change for peace. Its mission is to grow a global movement for peace, social justice and prevention of violence through using evidence-informed strategies to enable the world community to advance peace, security and sustainable development.