Early Childhood Development Action Network (ECDAN)

Multi-racial boys and girls engage in a hand huddle.
Multi-racial boys and girls engage in a hand huddle. © Wavebreakmedia Ltd | Dreamstime Images


In 2016, the World Bank in consultation with UNICEF and 86 organizations across the globe was instrumental in launching the Early Childhood Development Action Network (ECDAN). ECDAN seeks to ensure that All young children, across the globe are “safe, healthy, happy, and learning”.

Press Releases

  1.   The World Bank. (2016). UNICEF urges greater investment in early childhood development

  2.  Early Childhood Matters. (2017). The Early Childhood Development Action Network: A global network to strengthen support for young children. (Pp 93-7).

Achieving this goal is a challenge given that in many countries the ministries involved in developing childhood programs are siloed in terms of their policy planning and funding mechanisms. Success will depend in large part on creating multisectorial partnerships that can achieve the necessary level of coordination and integration between sectors as outlined in the figure below.

ECDAN: Coordination and integration within and between sectors, platforms and programs, based on the five domains of nurturing care

To achieve these goals, several regional early childhood development networks have been established around the globe including:

  1. Early Childhood Development - Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN)
  2. Africa Early Childhood Network (AFECN)
  3. Arab Network for Early Childhood Development (ANECD)
  4. Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood (ARNEC)
  5. International Center of Education and Human Development (CINDE)

This network includes the Early Childhood Peace Consortium (ECPC) that will serve to link early childhood development with global social cohesion and peace building efforts.

ECDAN aims to create a global enabling environment for partners to scale Nurturing Care in all countries.

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