The goal of the webinar is the launch of the Working Group on Fatherhoods as part of the Global Initiative to Support Parents of ECDAN. The webinar will serve as a stepping stone in the launch of the Working Group on Fatherhoods, and as its main objectives, the webinar will seek to: Elevate the work on fatherhood and male engagement in parenting being developed by various partners around the world; create shared alignment of all invited partners to establish international collaboration; and highlight advocacy work needed to encourage caregiving.
Panelists include Kyle D. Pruett, M.D., is a Clinical Professor of Child Psychiatry at the Yale School of Medicine, and a founding member of the Early Childhood Peace Consortium (ECPC). He is a prominent author, international lecturer, media personality and pioneering researcher, conducting the country’s only long-term study of the impact on children of primary caretaking fathers.
2:12:37 / ENG, SP