Scoping Review: Digital Mental Health Interventions for Children and Adolescents Affected by War

TitleScoping Review: Digital Mental Health Interventions for Children and Adolescents Affected by War
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsDanese, Andrea, Dmytro Martsenkovskyi, Barbara Remberk, Monika Youssef Khalil, Emma Diggins, Eleanor Keiller, Saba Masood, Isang Awah, Corrado Barbui, Renée Beer, Rachel Calam, Marcio Gagliato, Tine K. Jensen, Zlatina Kostova, James F. Leckman, Stephanie J. Lewis, Boris Lorberg, Olha Myshakivska, Elisa Pfeiffer, Rita Rosner, Jessica L. Schleider, Yulia Shenderovich, Norbert Skokauskas, Patrick H. Tolan, Ernesto Caffo, Marit Sijbrandij, Dennis Ougrin, Bennett L. Leventhal, and John R. Weisz

Objective: More than 200 million children and adolescents live in countries affected by violent conflict, are likely to have complex mental health needs, and struggle to access traditional mental health services. Digital mental health interventions have the potential to overcome some of the barriers in accessing mental health support. We performed a scoping review to map existing digital mental health interventions relevant for children and adolescents affected by war, to examine the strength of the evidence base, and to inform the development of future interventions. More.

Title Scoping Review: Digital Mental Health Interventions for Children and Adolescents Affected by War
Publication Title Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Publication Type Journal Article
Published Year 2024
Authors A. Danese; D. Martsenkovskyi; B. Remberk; M.Youssef Khalil; E. Diggins; E. Keiller; S. Masood; I. Awah; C. Barbui; R. Beer; R. Calam; M. Gagliato; T.K. Jensen; Z. Kostova; J.F. Leckman; S.J. Lewis; B. Lorberg; O. Myshakivska; E. Pfeiffer; R. Rosner; J.L. Schleider; Y. Shenderovich; N. Skokauskas; P.H. Tolan; E. Caffo; M. Sijbrandij; D. Ougrin; B.L. Leventhal; J.R. Weisz
ISSN Number 08908567
Grant List


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