UNWebTV | 58th session of the Human Rights Council Annual full-day meeting on the rights of the child Theme: Early childhood development

Date & Time: 
Thursday, March 13, 2025 - 4:30am to 10:30am
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See Concept Note w/program (Go to Panel Discussions. Click on Annual full-day meeting on the rights of the child)

Webcast and archived on UNWebTV 

Participating ECPC members:


The annual full-day meeting on the rights of the child will identify the implications of a child rights approach to early childhood development (ECD). It will be an opportunity to: 
  • Assess the gaps and barriers to realizing the rights of the child in the context of policies and programmes to support ECD.
  • Hear from children on their views about the opportunities and challenges they face in early childhood, and their recommendations to decision-makers to support a child rights-based approach to ECD. 
  • Examine the foundational principles of ECD through the lens of the Nurturing Care Framework.
  • Discuss strategies for inclusive ECD policies and programs, ensuring that children’s rights are systematically integrated in an inclusive manner into their design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation, while fostering the exchange of best practices.
  • Adopt a holistic approach to ECD by exploring its intersection with education, health, nutrition, and mental well-being, while addressing the impact of domestic violence and abuse. 
  • Explore how ECD in emergency contexts can best be supported, and how tailored programs can address the unique challenges faced in such situations. This includes examining strategies to mitigate obstacles and enhance support for children’s education, health, nutrition, and mental well-being, while ensuring their safety and protection.
  • Emphasize gender and diversity perspectives, underscoring the importance of safe and nurturing environments, and highlighting the value of promoting children’s agency and participation from an early age.

►Panel Discussion 1: 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM CET (UTC+1) / 4:30-6:30 AM EDT

Priorities to advance a child rights-based approach to early childhood development

  • Chair: H.E. Mr. Jürg Lauber, President of the Human Rights Council 
  • Opening statement: Mr. Volker Türk, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
  • Panellists:
    • Vlad (13 years), child rights advocate from the Republic of Moldova
    • Ms. Najat Maalla M’jid, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children 
    • Ms. Regina De Dominicis, Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia at the United Nations Children’s Fund 
    • Mr. Philip Jaffé, Member of the Committee on the Rights of the Child 

►Panel Discussion 2: 2:30-4:30 PM CET (UTC+1) / 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM EDT

Priorities to advance a child rights-based approach to early childhood development

  • Chair: H.E. Mrs. Claudia Fuentes Julio, Vice-President of the Human Rights Council
  • Opening statement: Ms. Nada Al-Nashif, United Nations Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights (video message)
  • Child’s statement: Joyce (9 years), child rights advocate from the Syrian Arab Republic 
  • (video message)
  • Moderator: Mr. Philip Jaffé, Member of the Committee on the Rights of the Child
  • Panellists:
    • Ms. Ilaria Paolazzi, Senior Advocacy and Policy Adviser at the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack
    • Ms. Amina Shishany, Senior Project Manager at Plan International Jordan
    • Ms. Rima Salah, Chair of the Early Childhood Peace Consortium (video message) 


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