ECPC Pledge to Action for Peace

ECPC Pledge to Action for Peace

Be part of this global movement and join the ECPC Pledge to Action for Peace!

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The Early Childhood Peace Consortium Pledge

I pledge to be a global citizen and help bring PEACE for one and all:

  • By treating all children with love, hope, and kindness;
  • By respecting and helping others every day; and
  • By thinking about how I can work with others to bring positive change in my home, neighborhood, workplace, community, and the world at large with help from the Early Childhood Peace Consortium

Any information you voluntarily provide to us through the Early Childhood Peace Consortium (ECPC) website and its Social Media, such as email address, name, or phone number will never be sold or traded to colleges, universities, nonprofit organizations, or businesses. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy.

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