Age 26 cost-benefit analysis of the child-parent center early education program

TitleAge 26 cost-benefit analysis of the child-parent center early education program
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsReynolds, A. J., J. A. Temple, B. A. White, S. R. Ou, and D. L. Robertson
Using data collected up to age 26 in the Chicago Longitudinal Study, this cost-benefit analysis of the Child-Parent Centers (CPC) is the first for a sustained publicly funded early intervention. The program provides services for low-income families beginning at age 3 in 20 school sites. Kindergarten and school-age services are provided up to age 9 (third grade). Findings from a complete cohort of over 1,400 program and comparison group participants indicated that the CPCs had economic benefits in 2007 dollars that exceeded costs. The preschool program provided a total return to society of $10.83 per dollar invested (18% annual return). The primary sources of benefits were increased earnings and tax revenues and averted criminal justice system costs. The school-age program had a societal return of $3.97 per dollar invested (10% annual return). The extended intervention program (4-6 years) had a societal return of $8.24 (18% annual return). Estimates were robust across a wide range of analyses including Monte Carlo simulations. Males, 1-year preschool participants, and children from higher risk families derived greater benefits. Findings provide strong evidence that sustained programs can contribute to well-being for individuals and society.
Title Age 26 cost-benefit analysis of the child-parent center early education program
Publication Title Child Dev
Publication Type Journal Article
Published Year 2011
Authors A.J. Reynolds; J.A. Temple; B.A. White; S.R. Ou; D.L. Robertson
Edition 2011/02/05
Accession Number 21291448
Number 1
ISBN Number 0009-3920
Grant List


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