ECPC Webinar #2 | ‘BIG THINK’ The power and potential of youth advocacy to build peace

August 18, 2023


“Hear our stories!” See this lively intergenerational conversation on the power of youth activism and how best to engage the leaders of tomorrow.

Young people across the globe share a philosophy: 'nothing about me, without me’. It means no policy passed, no declaration read, and no resolution signed that impacts the life of young people without the input of young people. They want a seat at the table, and they’re willing to raise their voices to get it. The voices of that input are richly diverse in focus and intent, just as those of the other generations at that table.

This seminar seeks to lay a foundation for enhanced intergenerational cooperation, providing a space to come together to find better ways to build a Culture of Peace for a brighter tomorrow, from generation to generation.

Featuring a panel of rising-star youth advocates:

Penelope Lea (Norway)—UNICEF Ambassador, Climate Justice Activist

Dominique Ogreanu (Romania)—Head of Youth Participation; Federation of NGOs for Children’s Rights (FONPC); Board Member, S.A.F.E

Priyanka Lalla (Trinidad and Tobago)—UNICEF Youth Advocate for the Eastern Caribbean, Chair of the National Child Rights Steering CMTE, Published author/ illustrator


Hosted by:

  • Dr. Kyle D. Pruett (USA)—Clinical Professor of Child Psychiatry at the Yale Child Study Center; Co-founder Supporting Father Involvement; Founding member, Early Childhood Peace Consortium (ECPC)
  • Kyle King (USA)— Yale ’24, International OCD Foundation Hero Award recipient

Intergenerational discussion moderated by:

  • Aditi Shrikhande, M.A. (UAE)— Early Childhood Development Programme Officer, Nutrition & Child Development section, UNICEF New York Headquarters; Member, ECPC Expert Support Group

Read ECPC Raising Children of Peace Lecture Series #1: 

Can how we raise our children lead to a more peaceful and sustainable world? What science says.


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