Trajectories of internalizing problems in war-affected Sierra Leonean youth: examining conflict and postconflict factors.

TitleTrajectories of internalizing problems in war-affected Sierra Leonean youth: examining conflict and postconflict factors.
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsBetancourt, T. S., R. McBain, E. A. Newnham, and R. T. Brennan
PubMed ID23002719
PubMed Central IDPMC3656826
Grant List1K01MH077246-01A2 / MH / NIMH NIH HHS / United States
K01 MH077246 / MH / NIMH NIH HHS / United States
R01 HD073349 / HD / NICHD NIH HHS / United States

Three waves of data from a prospective longitudinal study in Sierra Leone were used to examine internalizing trajectories in 529 war-affected youth (ages 10-17 at baseline; 25% female). Latent class growth analyses identified 4 trajectories: A large majority of youth maintained lower levels of internalizing problems (41.4%) or significantly improved over time (47.6%) despite very limited access to care, but smaller proportions continued to report severe difficulties 6 years postwar (4.5%) or their symptoms worsened (6.4%). Continued internalizing problems were associated with loss of a caregiver, family abuse and neglect, and community stigma. Despite the comparative resilience of most war-affected youth in the face of extreme adversity, there remains a compelling need for interventions that address family- and community-level stressors.

Title Trajectories of internalizing problems in war-affected Sierra Leonean youth: examining conflict and postconflict factors.
Publication Title Child Dev
Publication Type Journal Article
Published Year 2013
Authors T.S. Betancourt; R. McBain; E.A. Newnham; R.T. Brennan
ISSN Number 1467-8624
PubMed ID 23002719
PubMed Central ID PMC3656826
Grant List
1K01MH077246-01A2 MH NIMH NIH HHS United States
K01 MH077246 MH NIMH NIH HHS United States
R01 HD073349 HD NICHD NIH HHS United States


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