Strategies to avoid the loss of developmental potential in more than 200 million children in the developing world

TitleStrategies to avoid the loss of developmental potential in more than 200 million children in the developing world
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsEngle, Patrice L., Maureen M. Black, Jere R. Behrman, Meena Cabral de Mello, Paul J. Gertler, Lydia Kapiriri, Reynaldo Martorell, and Mary Eming Young
Title Strategies to avoid the loss of developmental potential in more than 200 million children in the developing world
Publication Title The Lancet
Publication Type Journal Article
Published Year 2007
Authors P.L. Engle; M.M. Black; J.R. Behrman; M.Cabral de Mello; P.J. Gertler; L. Kapiriri; R. Martorell; M.Eming Young
ISSN Number 01406736
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