Seven essential elements for creating effective children’s media to promote peacebuilding: Lessons from international co-productions of Sesame Street and other children’s media programs

TitleSeven essential elements for creating effective children's media to promote peacebuilding: Lessons from international co-productions of Sesame Street and other children's media programs
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsCole, C. F., J. H. Lee, A. Bucuvalas, and Y. Sirali
Secondary AuthorsLeckman, J. F., and P. R. Britto
Title Seven essential elements for creating effective children's media to promote peacebuilding: Lessons from international co-productions of Sesame Street and other children's media programs
Publication Title New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development
Publication Type Journal Article
Published Year 2018
Authors C.F. Cole; J.H. Lee; A. Bucuvalas; Y. Sirali
Editors J.F. Leckman; P.R. Britto
Grant List


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