Social Media Kit | ECPC Global Call for Urgent Action and Support to Protect Children and Families Affected by the Recent Earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria
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FULL APPEAL W/ RESOURCES | ECPC Call for Urgent Action
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Full appeal contents include:
- Digital brochure
- The Global Call
- Recommendations: Immediate · Mid-term · Long-term
- 5-Point Call for Action
- References
- Helpful resources
- How to support recovery efforts
Overview / key points
The world has witnessed an alarming disaster in Türkiye and Syria, following two powerful earthquakes that struck the region on February 6, followed by more than 6,000 aftershocks that devastated 11 Turkish provinces, including cities Adana, Gaziantep, Hatay, Kahramanmaras, Malatya, and Sanliurfa. In north-west Syria, the Lattakia Governorates and cities Aleppo, Hama, and Idleb were severely damaged. As of March 5th, the combined death toll in Türkiye and Syria is reported to have exceeded 50,000 people. Recent appeals issued by UNICEF report that at least 9.1 million people in Türkiye are left in need including 2.5 million children, and in Syria at least 5.4 million people are in need including 2.6 million children.
Impact on the most vulnerable children
In crises like this, children suffer first and foremost. They are the most vulnerable and have urgent health and developmental needs that go unmet. In addition to having been affected by the disaster, many children are experiencing loss or separation from their caregivers as well as the loss of their support systems, including health, welfare, and educational services.
Children are especially vulnerable to the negative impacts of disaster and crises in the early years of life when the brain undergoes its most rapid period of development. In this critical period, children with prolonged exposure to extreme stress and deprivation without adequate support can succumb to “toxic stress” which can have long term implications for their physical cognitive, behavioral, and psychosocial development.
The transformative power of early childhood development
Growing evidence from a range of crises around the world demonstrates that early childhood development (ECD) programming has the potential to mitigate these negative consequences. For babies and young children in humanitarian and fragile settings, access to ECD services is thus a matter of life and death. Supporting them and their caregivers is essential to ending preventable newborn and under-five deaths and fostering healthy brain development. It is also a key part of helping communities and countries recover from crises by breaking cycles of poverty and violence and building more peaceful and resilient societies.
Recommendations and actions
The Early Childhood Peace Consortium (ECPC) is calling for timely and decisive global action and support, innovatively designed for sustainable solutions to prevent this tragedy from becoming a long-term crisis for affected children in Türkiye and Syria. Children and young people affected by crises need concrete action to protect and promote their rights.
We urge for greater investment in support of a coordinated response that will meet the unprecedented needs of this growing crisis, before it is too late. We urge donors to prioritize funding to safeguard the development and well-being of crisis-affected young children by providing for their critical needs .
In this Call for Urgent Action, the ECPC underscores an immediate, medium-term, and long-term set of recommendations and a 5-point Call to Action.
Social media kit
ECPC Handle (Facebook, Twitter)
Facebook (FB) social media posts (combine with FB graphics below)
- Many children affected by the disaster are experiencing loss or separation from their caregivers as well as the loss of their support systems, including health, welfare, and educational services. ECD programming has the potential to mitigate these negative consequences. ►MORE @ecdpeace #ECDpeaceTurkeySyria
- Young children are especially vulnerable to the negative impacts of disasters and crises when the brain undergoes its most rapid period of development. Growing evidence demonstrates that ECD programming has the potential to mitigate negative consequences. ►MORE @ecdpeace #ECDpeaceTurkeySyria
- Prolonged exposure to extreme stress and deprivation without adequate support can lead to “toxic stress” and long term implications for a child’s physical, cognitive, behavioral, and psychosocial development. ECD programming has the potential to mitigate these negative consequences.►MORE @ecdpeace #ECDpeaceTurkeySyria
- Now is time for greater investment in support of a coordinated global response that will meet the unprecedented needs of this growing crisis. Prioritized funding can safeguard the development and well-being of crisis-affected young children by providing for their critical needs. ►MORE @ecdpeace #ECDpeaceTurkeySyria
- Global support efforts in Türkiye and Syria must be impartial and lasting. Every child is equally deserving of concern, dignity, safety, and support no matter their background or circumstances—whoever they are, wherever they are. ►MORE @ecdpeace #ECDpeaceTurkeySyria
- Let us reaffirm our commitments to Human Rights and the Rights of Every Child in SDG target 16. Let us put those commitments into action with our humanitarian response to the disaster in Türkiye and Syria and uphold the Principles of Justice and equity for all. ►MORE @ecdpeace #ECDpeaceTurkeySyria
Twitter sized and FB social media posts (combine with Twitter and FB graphics below)
- Now is time to prioritize the protection of all affected children in Türkiye and Syria who are highly susceptible to neglect, abuse, violence, exploitation, and stigma. ►MORE @ecdpeace #ECDpeaceTurkeySyria
- Now is time to ensure that essential child protection services are lifesaving and made accessible safe and positive for all affected children in Türkiye and Syria during all disaster recovery efforts. ►MORE @ecdpeace #ECDpeaceTurkeySyria
- Now is time for TV, radio, social media to promote psychosocial support, cognitive development, nutrition, physical activity & model responsive caregiving for all disaster affected children/families in Türkiye & Syria. ►MORE @ecdpeace #ECDpeaceTurkeySyria
- Now is time to uphold the rights of all affected children & families in Türkiye & Syria in all recovery efforts. ECD programs must benefit them & communities/institutions at national, regional & local levels. ►MORE @ecdpeace #ECDpeaceTurkeySyria
- Now is time to protect the rights of affected women’s and girls in Türkiye & Syria w/out discrimination, & support community-based action through gender-based analysis to favor their empowerment & social inclusion. ►MORE @ecdpeace #ECDpeaceTurkeySyria
- Now is time to maintain/further invest in quality evidence-based policies & programs in Türkiye & Syria that can build resilience & mitigate the harmful effects of trauma in vulnerable families & their young children. ►MORE @ecdpeace #ECDpeaceTurkeySyria
Social media graphics to share
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