Relationships between Macro and Micro Socio-Cultural Contexts: Implications for the Study of Interactions in the Mathematics Classroom

TitleRelationships between Macro and Micro Socio-Cultural Contexts: Implications for the Study of Interactions in the Mathematics Classroom
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsDe Abreu, Guida

In this paper I attempt to clarify how the relationship between macro and micro social contexts has been addressed in the Vygotskian and Neo-Piagetian approaches to learning. For each approach I look at how key scholars (Cole, 1977; Perret-Clermont, Perret and Bell, 1991) come to view context as central to their theories of cognitive development. In order to illustrate my review of the dominant strands of empirical research I refer to studies that focus on the uses, learning and understanding of mathematics. I start the paper with the socio-cultural Vygotskian approach. This is closely associated with my own research into the relationship between culture and learning. Not surprisingly, I find biases in this body of research in terms of the macro and micro features of contexts which were analysed. In an attempt to gain insights into alternative ways of conceptualising these relationships I explore work which has adopted a socio-psychological approach. In the final part of the paper I discuss how these insights can be used to broaden our basis for studying interactions in the mathematics classroom and conclude by relating my ideas to new developments in socio-cultural theory.

Title Relationships between Macro and Micro Socio-Cultural Contexts: Implications for the Study of Interactions in the Mathematics Classroom
Publication Title Educational Studies in Mathematics
Publication Type Journal Article
Published Year 2000
Publisher Springer
Authors G. De Abreu
Number 1
ISBN Number 00131954
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