CURRENTLY A STAGGERING 41.3 MILLION PEOPLE live displaced within their own countries, many in dilapidated shelter, lacking sufficient access to basic services, and facing regular violations of their basic rights. This panel will highlight the plight of internally displaced people around the world from the perspective of those with lived experience and organizations working alongside IDPs. We will also explore a new High-Level Panel on IDPs, which the UN Secretary-General is poised to launch in the next few months and discuss opportunities for displaced people themselves to inform the Panel’s work, as well as other global policy initiatives.
Emily Wei - Catholic Relief Services
Cecilia Jimenez-Damary - UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons, OHCHR
Mark Yarnell - Refugees International
Ismael Gamboa Ocampo - Colombian IDP Youth Delegate, Global Youth Advisory Council (by video conference) Riya William Yuyada – Crown the Woman-South Sudan Myra Dahgaypaw - U.S. Campaign for Burma Giulia McPherson - Jesuit Refugee Services/USA