Fathers, divorce, and their children

TitleFathers, divorce, and their children
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsPruett, M. K., and K. D. Pruett
To minimize many of the negative consequences of divorce, it is beneficial to support a father's ongoing involvement in his child's life. Although the research literature isn't unequivocal on this point, it does strongly suggest that men who are "visitors" do not have as much impact on their children and that visits are a poor substitute for having a parental figure. The answer lies in creating meaningful roles for noncustodial fathers that elevate men's opportunities to contribute to their children's overall development. One of the most important messages parents can impart to children is that some commitments outlive change and that working together in the child's best interests is one of them.
Title Fathers, divorce, and their children
Publication Title Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am
Publication Type Journal Article
Published Year 1998
Authors M.K. Pruett; K.D. Pruett
Accession Number 9894071
Number 2
ISBN Number 1056-4993 (Print)<br/>1056-4993 (Linking)
Grant List


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