Commentary: New Directions in Developmentally Informed Intervention Research for Vulnerable Populations

TitleCommentary: New Directions in Developmentally Informed Intervention Research for Vulnerable Populations
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsYoshikawa, H., M. D. Whipps, and N. M. Rojas
This special section of Child Development brings together experts in developmental science and intervention research to incorporate current evidence on resilience for vulnerable populations and give concrete suggestions for action and research. This commentary synthesizes the contributions of the articles, noting themes such as simultaneous attention to multiple risk, protective, and promotive processes; integrating new principles from clinical and therapeutic interventions; and adapting intervention approaches for new populations. It then describes additional directions for interventions to maximize resilience, including approaches that address social psychological processes, issues related to demographic and other forms of diversity, policy-related individual behaviors, and sequenced interventions across the life span. It also gives suggestions for integrating implementation science on expansion and scale with behavioral intervention science.
Title Commentary: New Directions in Developmentally Informed Intervention Research for Vulnerable Populations
Publication Title Child Dev
Publication Type Journal Article
Published Year 2017
Authors H. Yoshikawa; M.D. Whipps; N.M. Rojas
Accession Number 28160274
Number 2
ISBN Number 1467-8624 (Electronic)<br/>0009-3920 (Linking)
Grant List


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