Effects of Sure Start local programmes on children and families: early findings from a quasi-experimental, cross sectional study.

TitleEffects of Sure Start local programmes on children and families: early findings from a quasi-experimental, cross sectional study.
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsBelsky, Jay, Edward Melhuish, Jacqueline Barnes, Alastair H. Leyland, and Helena Romaniuk
PubMed ID16782721
PubMed Central IDPMC1482335
Grant ListMC_U130059823 / / Medical Research Council / United Kingdom

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of Sure Start local programmes (SSLPs) on children and their families. To assess whether variations in the effectiveness of SSLPs are due to differences in implementation.

DESIGN: Quasi-experimental cross sectional study using interviews with mothers and cognitive assessment of children aged 36 months who speak English.

SETTING: Socially deprived communities in England: 150 communities with ongoing SSLPs and 50 comparison communities.

PARTICIPANTS: Mothers of 12,575 children aged 9 months and 3927 children aged 36 months in SSLP areas; mothers of 1509 children aged 9 months and 1101 children aged 36 months in comparison communities.

OUTCOME MEASURES: Mothers’ reports of community services and local area, family functioning and parenting skills, child health and development, and verbal ability at 36 months.

RESULTS: Differences between SSLP areas and comparison areas were limited, small, and varied by degree of social deprivation. SSLPs had beneficial effects on non-teenage mothers (better parenting, better social functioning in children) and adverse effects on children of teenage mothers (poorer social functioning) and children of single parents or parents who did not work (lower verbal ability). SSLPs led by health services were slightly more effective than other SSLPs.

CONCLUSION: SSLPs seem to benefit relatively less socially deprived parents (who have greater personal resources) and their children but seem to have an adverse effect on the most disadvantaged children. Programmes led by health services seem to be more effective than programmes led by other agencies.

Title Effects of Sure Start local programmes on children and families: early findings from a quasi-experimental, cross sectional study.
Publication Title BMJ
Publication Type Journal Article
Published Year 2006
Authors J. Belsky; E. Melhuish; J. Barnes; A.H. Leyland; H. Romaniuk
ISSN Number 1756-1833
PubMed ID 16782721
PubMed Central ID PMC1482335
Grant List
MC_U130059823 Medical Research Council United Kingdom


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