Individual development and evolution: experiential canalization of self-regulation.

TitleIndividual development and evolution: experiential canalization of self-regulation.
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsBlair, Clancy, and Cybele C Raver
PubMed ID22329384
Grant ListP01 HD39667 / HD / NICHD NIH HHS / United States
R01 HD51502 / HD / NICHD NIH HHS / United States

In this article, we contrast evolutionary and psychobiological models of individual development to address the idea that individual development occurring in prototypically risky and unsupportive environments can be understood as adaptation. We question traditional evolutionary explanations of individual development, calling on the principle of probabilistic epigenesis to suggest that individual development resulting from the combined activity of genes and environments is best understood to precede rather than follow from evolutionary change. Specifically, we focus on the ways in which experience shapes the development of stress response physiology, with implications for individual development and intergenerational transmission of reactive, as opposed to reflective, phenotypes. In doing so, we describe results from several analyses conducted with a longitudinal data set of 1,292 children and their primary caregivers followed from birth. Our results indicate that the effects of poverty on stress response physiology and on the development of the self-regulation of behavior represent instances of the experiential canalization of development with implications for understanding the genesis and “adaptiveness” of risk behavior.

Title Individual development and evolution: experiential canalization of self-regulation.
Publication Title Dev Psychol
Publication Type Journal Article
Published Year 2012
Authors C. Blair; C. Raver
ISSN Number 1939-0599
PubMed ID 22329384
Grant List
P01 HD39667 HD NICHD NIH HHS United States
R01 HD51502 HD NICHD NIH HHS United States


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