Title | Life in groups: the roles of oxytocin in mammalian sociality. |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Authors | Anacker, Allison M. J., and Annaliese K. Beery |
PubMed ID | 24376404 |
PubMed Central ID | PMC3858648 |
Life in groups: the roles of oxytocin in mammalian sociality.
Title | Life in groups: the roles of oxytocin in mammalian sociality. |
Publication Title | Front Behav Neurosci |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Published Year | 2013 |
Authors | A.M.J. Anacker; A.K. Beery |
ISSN Number | 1662-5153 |
PubMed Central ID | PMC3858648 |
Grant List | - |
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