Education inequality and violent conflict: Evidence and policy considerations

July 21, 2016
Education Inequality and Violent Conflict: Evidence and Policy Considerations, UNICEF and FHI360, 2016

Education Inequality and Violent Conflict: Evidence and Policy Considerations, UNICEF and FHI360, 2016

Until now, limited evidence existed on the relationship between educational equity and violent conflict. A new study, commissioned by UNICEF and recently completed by the FHI 360 Education Policy and Data Center, sought to change this using the largest dataset constructed to date, with data from across nearly 100 countries and over a 50 year timespan.

The research project explored education inequality as a determinant and an outcome of internal conflicts, given the cyclical relationship between inequality and conflict.

The research found evidence that rising inequalities in education can increase the risk of conflict, and consequently, experiencing conflict can exacerbate preexisting education inequality.

Download the full brief: Education Inequality and Violent Conflict Policy Brief


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