Mental health of displaced and refugee children resettled in high-income countries: risk and protective factors.

TitleMental health of displaced and refugee children resettled in high-income countries: risk and protective factors.
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsFazel, M., R. V. Reed, C. Panter-Brick, and A. Stein
PubMed ID21835459

We undertook a systematic search and review of individual, family, community, and societal risk and protective factors for mental health in children and adolescents who are forcibly displaced to high-income countries. Exposure to violence has been shown to be a key risk factor, whereas stable settlement and social support in the host country have a positive effect on the child’s psychological functioning. Further research is needed to identify the relevant processes, contexts, and interplay between the many predictor variables hitherto identified as affecting mental health vulnerability and resilience. Research designs are needed that enable longitudinal investigation of individual, community, and societal contexts, rather than designs restricted to investigation of the associations between adverse exposures and psychological symptoms. We emphasise the need to develop comprehensive policies to ensure a rapid resolution of asylum claims and the effective integration of internally displaced and refugee children.

Title Mental health of displaced and refugee children resettled in high-income countries: risk and protective factors.
Publication Title Lancet
Publication Type Journal Article
Published Year 2012
Authors M. Fazel; R.V. Reed; C. Panter-Brick; A. Stein
ISSN Number 1474-547X
Grant List


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