Interplay between social experiences and the genome: epigenetic consequences for behavior.

TitleInterplay between social experiences and the genome: epigenetic consequences for behavior.
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsChampagne, Frances A.
PubMed ID22902125
Grant ListDP2OD001674 / OD / NIH HHS / United States

Social experiences can have a persistent effect on biological processes leading to phenotypic diversity. Variation in gene regulation has emerged as a mechanism through which the interplay between DNA and environments leads to the biological encoding of these experiences. Epigenetic modifications-molecular pathways through which transcription is altered without altering the underlying DNA sequence-play a critical role in the normal process of development and are being increasingly explored as a mechanism linking environmental experiences to long-term biobehavioral outcomes. In this review, evidence implicating epigenetic factors, such as DNA methylation and histone modifications, in the link between social experiences occurring during the postnatal period and in adulthood and altered neuroendocrine and behavioral outcomes will be highlighted. In addition, the role of epigenetic mechanisms in shaping variation in social behavior and the implications of epigenetics for our understanding of the transmission of traits across generations will be discussed.

Title Interplay between social experiences and the genome: epigenetic consequences for behavior.
Publication Title Adv Genet
Publication Type Journal Article
Published Year 2012
Authors F.A. Champagne
ISSN Number 0065-2660
PubMed ID 22902125
Grant List
DP2OD001674 OD NIH HHS United States


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