Framing our analysis: A dialectical perspective

TitleFraming our analysis: A dialectical perspective
Publication TypeBook Chapter
AuthorsHinde, R. A., and J. Stevenson-Hinde
EditorLeckman, J., C. Panter-Brick, and R. Salah
This chapter presents a framework (Figure 2.1) to examine dialectical relations between successive levels of analysis. It represents dynamic processes, with bidirectional influences and continuous change over time, and is particularly relevant to child rearing, where parental adaptation to change is essential. Attachment theory and research indicate how early parent-child interactions lead to the development of an attachment bond, and how the quality of this attachment lays a foundation for the child’s socioemotional development. Finally, viewing behavior within the context of our common evolutionary past leads to the assumption of two basic propensities: selfish assertiveness, which primarily benefits the actor, and prosociality, which benefits others. These propensities remain with us today and suggest the need to provide contexts that promote more pro-sociality and less selfish assertiveness, both within our own groups as well as toward other groups.
Title Framing our analysis: A dialectical perspective
Publication Title Pathways to Peace: The Transformative Power of Children and Families
Publication Type Book Chapter
Published Year 2014
Publisher MIT Press
Authors R.A. Hinde; J. Stevenson-Hinde
Editors J. Leckman; C. Panter-Brick; R. Salah
Section 2
Grant List


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