Webinar on Building Futures- Applying the Early Childhood Development Service Quality Standards for South Asia

Date & Time: 
Wednesday, April 21, 2021 - 3:00am
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ARNEC together with UNICEF Regional Office for South Asia (ROSA) is pleased to host the webinar entitled, ‘Building Futures: Applying the Early Childhood Development Service Quality Standards for South Asia.’
This webinar aims to: 
(1) Introduce and provide an overview of the ECD Service Quality Standards and Guidelines, including the planning, implementation, mentoring and monitoring and regulation of these services. 
(2) Encourage countries, especially in South Asia to think about how they can apply these ECD service quality standards given their own contextualized specifications for quality. 
(3) Reinforce how these standards can develop a common understanding of the holistic, integrated and developmentally appropriate nature of quality in ECD among all stakeholders by serving as a common point of reference, which to date has not existed in the South Asian context. 

Learn more and register for this webinar.


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