Evaluation of the Better Parenting Programme in Jordan.

TitleEvaluation of the Better Parenting Programme in Jordan.
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsAl-Hassan, Suha M., and Jennifer E. Lansford
PubMed ID21769161
PubMed Central IDPMC3137488
Grant ListR03 TW008141 / TW / FIC NIH HHS / United States
R03 TW008141-01 / TW / FIC NIH HHS / United States

This study evaluates the Better Parenting Programme (BPP), which has been implemented nationally in Jordan to enhance parents’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours related to caring for young children. Participants (N = 337, 94% female) were randomly assigned to an experimental group or a control group. The experimental group participated in the BPP; the control group did not. Before and after the BPP, all participants completed questionnaires to assess their knowledge regarding key areas of child development, activities with their children, discipline practices, and perceptions regarding behaviours that constitute child abuse and neglect. Over time, participants in the experimental group (but not the control group) improved on parenting knowledge, spending time playing and reading books with their children, using more explanations during the course of disciplining their child, and accurately perceiving behaviours that constitute child neglect. Results suggest modest beneficial effects of participation in the Better Parenting Programme.

Title Evaluation of the Better Parenting Programme in Jordan.
Publication Title Early Child Dev Care
Publication Type Journal Article
Published Year 2011
Authors S.M. Al-Hassan; J.E. Lansford
ISSN Number 0300-4430
PubMed ID 21769161
PubMed Central ID PMC3137488
Grant List
R03 TW008141 TW FIC NIH HHS United States
R03 TW008141-01 TW FIC NIH HHS United States


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