Epigenetic legacy of parental experiences: Dynamic and interactive pathways to inheritance

TitleEpigenetic legacy of parental experiences: Dynamic and interactive pathways to inheritance
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsChampagne, F. A.
The quality of the environment experienced by an individual across his or her lifespan can result in a unique developmental trajectory with consequences for adult phenotype and reproductive success. However, it is also evident that these experiences can impact the development of offspring with continued effect on subsequent generations. Epigenetic mechanisms have been proposed as a mediator of both these within- and across-generation effects, and there is increasing evidence to support the role of environmentally induced changes in DNA methylation, posttranslational histone modifications, and noncoding RNAs in predicting these outcomes. Advances in our understanding of these molecular modifications contribute to increasingly nuanced perspectives on plasticity and transmission of phenotypes across generations. A challenge that emerges from this research is in how we integrate these "new" perspectives with traditional views of development, reproduction, and inheritance. This paper will highlight evidence suggestive of an epigenetic impact of the environment on mothers, fathers, and their offspring, and illustrate the importance of considering the dynamic nature of reproduction and development and inclusive views of inheritance within the evolving field of behavioral and environmental epigenetics.
Title Epigenetic legacy of parental experiences: Dynamic and interactive pathways to inheritance
Publication Title Dev PsychopatholDev PsychopatholDev Psychopathol
Publication Type Journal Article
Published Year 2016
Authors F.A. Champagne
Edition 2016/10/26
Accession Number 27687718
Number 4pt2
ISBN Number 0954-5794
Grant List


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