Enhancing Father Involvement in Low-Income Families: A Couples Group Approach to Preventive Intervention

TitleEnhancing Father Involvement in Low-Income Families: A Couples Group Approach to Preventive Intervention
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsPruett, M. K., K. Pruett, C. P. Cowan, and P. A. Cowan
To address the problem of fathers' absence from children's lives and the difficulty of paternal engagement, especially among lower income families, government agencies have given increasing attention to funding father involvement interventions. Few of these interventions have yielded promising results. Father involvement research that focuses on the couple/coparenting relationship offers a pathway to support fathers' involvement while strengthening family relationships. Relevant research is reviewed and an exemplar is provided in the Supporting Father Involvement intervention and its positive effects on parental and parent-child relationships and children's outcomes. The article concludes with policy implications of this choice of target populations and the need to develop new strategies to involve fathers in the lives of their children.
Title Enhancing Father Involvement in Low-Income Families: A Couples Group Approach to Preventive Intervention
Publication Title Child Dev
Publication Type Journal Article
Published Year 2017
Authors M.K. Pruett; K. Pruett; C.P. Cowan; P.A. Cowan
Accession Number 28146337
Number 2
ISBN Number 1467-8624 (Electronic)<br/>0009-3920 (Linking)
Grant List


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