Enhancing coparenting, parenting, and child self-regulation: effects of family foundations 1 year after birth.

TitleEnhancing coparenting, parenting, and child self-regulation: effects of family foundations 1 year after birth.
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsFeinberg, Mark E., Marni L. Kan, and Megan C. Goslin
PubMed ID19381809
PubMed Central IDPMC3161030
Grant List1 K23 HD042575 / HD / NICHD NIH HHS / United States
R21 MH064125-01 / MH / NIMH NIH HHS / United States
R21 MH064125-03 / MH / NIMH NIH HHS / United States

This study investigated whether a psycho-educational program with modest dosage (eight sessions), delivered in a universal framework through childbirth education programs and targeting the coparenting relationship would have a positive impact on observed family interaction and child behavior at 6-month follow-up (child age 1 year). One hundred sixty-nine couples, randomized to intervention and control conditions, participated in videotaped family observation tasks at pretest (during pregnancy) and at child age 1 year (2003-2007). Coparenting, parenting, couple relationship, and child self-regulatory behaviors were coded by teams of raters. Intent-to-treat analyses of program effects controlled for age, education, and social desirability. Evidence of significant (p < 0.05) program effects at follow-up emerged in all four domains. Effect sizes ranged from 0.28 to 1.01. Targeting the coparenting relationship at the transition to parenthood represents an effective, non-stigmatizing means of promoting parenting quality and child adjustment.

Title Enhancing coparenting, parenting, and child self-regulation: effects of family foundations 1 year after birth.
Publication Title Prev Sci
Publication Type Journal Article
Published Year 2009
Authors M.E. Feinberg; M.L. Kan; M.C. Goslin
ISSN Number 1573-6695
PubMed ID 19381809
PubMed Central ID PMC3161030
Grant List
1 K23 HD042575 HD NICHD NIH HHS United States
R21 MH064125-01 MH NIMH NIH HHS United States
R21 MH064125-03 MH NIMH NIH HHS United States


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