2009 | Building a generation of reconciliation

2009 | Building a generation of reconciliation

Hands of father, mother, daughter hold little feet baby. © Stanislav Petriaikin | Dreamstime Images

Hallmark paper

In 2009, the Mother Child Education Foundation (AÇEV), published a hallmark concept note, Building a generation of reconciliation: The role of early childhood development in peace building, which outlined the organization’s rationale: the association between peace and early childhood interventions and programs.

This conceptual paper was the first attempt by the Foundation to articulate its vision for peace, extrapolating from the evidence on ECD and its own programs. In particular, the evidence drew upon AÇEV’s parenting initiatives, namely the Father Support Program and the Mother Support Program, which bring together groups of fathers and mothers, respectively, to promote harmony and democratic values and to reduce violence and abuse.


AÇEV. (2012). Building a generation of reconciliation: The role of early childhood development in peace building. Istanbul, Turkey: Mother-Child Education Foundation Publications.

Photo ECPC Planning Meeting, Marrakesh, Morocco (2013) : Top row, L-R: Kyle D. Pruett (Yale), Prof. Ernesto Caffo (Fondazione Child), Siobhan Fitzpatrick (Early Years), Brenda Haiplik (UNICEF); Center row, L-R: James F. Leckman (Yale), Pia Rebello Britto (UNICEF, Yale), Simon Xavier Guerrand-Hermès (GHFP), Ayla Göksel (AÇEV); Bottom row, L-R: Rima Salah (UN, Yale), Sue Carter (Univ. N. Carolina). (Photo: GHFP)


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