Cognitive and socioemotional caregiving in developing countries.

TitleCognitive and socioemotional caregiving in developing countries.
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsBornstein, M. H., and D. L. Putnick
PubMed ID22277006
PubMed Central IDPMC3270892
Grant ListZ01 HD001119-20 / / Intramural NIH HHS / United States

Enriching caregiving practices foster the course and outcome of child development. This study examined 2 developmentally significant domains of positive caregiving-cognitive and socioemotional-in more than 127,000 families with under-5 year children from 28 developing countries. Mothers varied widely in cognitive and socioemotional caregiving and engaged in more socioemotional than cognitive activities. More than half of mothers played with their children and took them outside, but only a third or fewer read books and told stories to their children. The GDP of countries related to caregiving after controlling for life expectancy and education. The majority of mothers report that they do not leave their under-5s alone. Policy and intervention recommendations are elaborated.

Title Cognitive and socioemotional caregiving in developing countries.
Publication Title Child Dev
Publication Type Journal Article
Published Year 2012
Authors M.H. Bornstein; D.L. Putnick
ISSN Number 1467-8624
PubMed ID 22277006
PubMed Central ID PMC3270892
Grant List
Z01 HD001119-20 Intramural NIH HHS United States


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