Monitoring and evaluation of participatory theater for change

July 4, 2016
Monitoring and Evaluation of Participatory Theater for Change, UNICEF and Search for Common Ground, 2016

Monitoring and Evaluation of Participatory Theater for Change, UNICEF and Search for Common Ground, 2016

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) has significantly advanced over the past two decades, with particular attention being paid to monitoring and evaluation with-in complex contexts, relationships, and interactions. Social and behaviour change activities have always presented challenges for development practitioners, as it can be difficult to assess whether change has in fact taken place, how the change has been produced, whether changed is influenced in the most effective way, and what the unintended actions around behaviour might be.

Participatory Theatre for Change, similar to other participatory communication, has typically been one of the ‘hard to measure’ approaches to address social and development challenges. This publication outlines specific considerations for incorporating M&E from the beginning of the Participatory Theatre for Change process. It offers practical guidance and tools for implementing monitoring and evaluation in Participatory Theatre for Change programmes, or programmes that include participatory theatre. It also highlights considerations and approaches for process and quality monitoring of participatory theatre programs and practitioners.

Download the full report: Participatory Theater for Change M&E


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